Chained up (OC x Canon)

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Tessa x OC story Mehehe
Tw: Some cussing? Idk


Allen wondered where Tessa was as she usually was making sure other worker drones were doing what they're supposed to do. Except he didn't even see her.

Well, he could always check her room, besides, what if there is something to fix?

He took his tool bag and went on to Tessa's room. Hopefully he wasn't barging in without permission, he just wanted to make sure she was okay as he knew her parents were...not so nice.

The other drones that were Tessa's were working anyways so where could she be anyway?

He was nearing closer to her room when he heard the sounds of chains being pulled, she heard a female voice grunt. Though she stopped and he heard a thump.

Was Tessa alright?

He quickly ran all the way to her room, he slightly opened the door a little and saw Tessa.

She was chained.

He went into the room and neared closer to Tessa.

"Tess, what happened?" Allen pondered, she looked up at him with surprise.

"Oh, Allen! Uh, I'm" She responded with a little sad sigh, he saw her wipe away some tears.

"But you're chained?" He told her, worried if she was hurt.

"Yeah, that''s way of punishment..." Tessa told him, she obviously hated it.

He yanked the chain but Tessa stopped him.

"D—Don't! It hurts when you do that." She grabbed her arm, hissing in pain. "Besides, who knows what my mother will do if...if I get out of these chains."

"Yeah but—that's not fair! You shouldn't be chained up like an animal!" Allen explained. Tessa nodded. "Tu madre es una tonta!"

"I can' anything about it except accept that whatever I did to annoy mother was wrong." Tessa's voice cracked a little, she seemed like she wanted to cry again. "Allen, can you stay please?"

He nodded, "Of course, I can't leave you like this." He sat next to her, shoulder to shoulder.

Tessa was still rubbing her arm, Allen looked at it. Poor Tess, her arm was really red. It pisses him off that such parents would do this. Especially her mother, he knew with a gut feeling she was an asshole.

"Here, let me see your arm." Allen gently took Tessa's chained arm and placed it on his lap. His warm, rough hands rested on top of it. "You shouldn't rub this too much or too hard, it'll irritate it."

"How would you know?" She queried.

"My mother, usually it's mosquito bites that make me so itchy." He looked at her as she nodded. "My mother would like to meet you one day, she thinks you're a nice woman."

"Oh...really?" Tessa asked, Allen nodded.

He looked at Tessa, her eyes were gazing at her arm being held by him. Allen could see a faint blush on her cheeks.

He looked towards the window to see it was night. It was probably at least 8:00 or 8:30.

"Tess," Allen started. "how long are you supposed to be chained for?"

She took a while to respond but she mumbled out, "F-For tonight."

"Tonight?!" Allen exclaimed, Tessa shushed him.

"Don't yell it out, Allen!"

"Sorry, it's just..." He looked into her beautiful eyes, he sighed. "You don't deserve this."

He got up, "I'll be getting some things, be right back." Tessa nodded and he went out the door.

Allen quickly went in his room and grabbed a two small blankets. He also grabbed two pillows for the both of them to lay on.

He went back to Tessa's room and closed the door behind him. He saw that Tessa was putting her drones to bed.

"Sorry," She weakly smiled at them. "Allen's staying here tonight."

"Why tonight?" J asked her, she sighed.

"To make sure I sleep well. He seems to be doing that well." She smiled when she saw he brought her some blankets.

"Aw..." N and V cooed. J gagged in disgust while X and Cyn giggled at each other.

Tessa's chains clanked as she picked up a book. Allen placed the pillows and blankets down and pulled chairs for the both of them to sit on. As Tessa sat down, she opened the book.

"Okay...where were we on this..."


"Aaand they're out." Tessa smiled as she saw her worker drones asleep. Allen got up and put the chairs back while Tessa put the book away on the bookshelf.

"I'm sorry that you have to sleep with me tonight...I could've slept on the floor Allen." She mumbled to him, he shook his head.

"Tess, it's fine really. I don't think you should sleep on the floor as it's really cold." He started to lay one blanket down, put some pillows and laid another blanket.

The area was close to where Tessa could sleep comfortably without pulling too much on the chain. She walked to the area and sat down.

"T—Thank you, really." She said to him as he sat next to him. "No one's ever done this for me."

"It's no problem Tess." Allen tucked himself into the blankets and laid down. Tessa did the same.

He turned to his right and closed his eyes. He assumed Tessa did the same but that was until she mumbled something to him.



There was a bit of silence for a few seconds.

"Uhm, can you turn my way for a second?" She pondered.

"Yeah, what's up Tess?" He turned to look at her, her eyes widened a bit and darted around the room until she looked at him and blushed.

"Well...uhm..." She started to stutter. "I-I...uh...I—I was wondering i-if—"

"Wondering if what?" Allen asked, trying not to giggle at her adorable behavior.

"Well—I was just wondering if you w-wanted to...cuddle..." She mumbled the last part.

"To what?"


"Ohhh..." He chuckled a little, Tessa blushed furiously in embarrassment.

"L-Look...I'm touch-starved okay? It's not funny." Tessa grumbled.

"Oh I wasn't laughing at you Tess." Allen said. "I thought you were adorable just trying to get the sentence out."

"O-Oh." Her blush lessened.

"So, what you're saying is wanna do this?"

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Allen felt her shiver to his touch.

"Uhm...y-yes. Like this..." She wrapped her arms around him, comfortable. "Mm..."

Allen has never seen her act like this, which he thought was adorable.

"You're real sleepy now aren't you now that you're in my arms? Hmm?"


He let out a soft chuckle and stroked her hair, Tessa didn't mind, she liked it. Her hair was so soft too...he loved it.

"Goodnight Allen..." Allen heard Tessa mumble.

"Hehe, goodnight Tessa." He mumbled back to her as they both fell asleep.


Man I love OC x canon stories
Don't worry I'll do canon x canon lol

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