A Surprise for Tessa! (Oc x Canon)

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Tessa's birthday and Allen and her worker drones surprise her :3


Tessa wasn't sure if she was going to like today.

It was her birthday, a day where most parents really care for their child. But not her parents, especially her own mother. She never cared. She only cared to take care of her until she was seven.

Sure, her father cared and came to check on her but...they really didn't prioritize her. Not at all. They never did. Zavvannah used to do that job, taking care of her and stuff...until she left randomly and never came back. Maybe she had to leave for something...or maybe she's dead.

Tessa doesn't talk about Zavvannah a lot. It hurts to talk about her.

She was in her bathroom, doing her hair. She just finished, and put her signature bow on her head. Tessa smiled at herself, trying to have that self-confidence. She knew her worker drones would remember her birthday, so she got out of the bathroom. She looked around her room.


Cyn and X were playing dolls with each other. None of her other worker drones were here.

"Cyn? X? Where are the others?" Tessa asked them, walking over to them.

"Oh, uhm, they left. Not sure where." X responded, rubbing his arm. She squinted at him, but shrugged.

"Alright, uh, do you know what day it is?" She asked, she could at least get a, "happy birthday" from the both of them.

"No, we don't know. Is it Labor Day, question mark?"

"No Cynnie," X giggled softly, Cyn looked at him. "Way more important. A special day to Tessa."

"Ohh! Happy birthday, giggle!" Cyn got up and hugged Tessa, she happily hugged her back.

X joined in on the hug, and Tessa swung them both around like she does with every worker drone. They giggled and laughed, soon dying down as she stopped spinning them around.

"So, uh, I'm going to find Allen." Tessa said, and X and Cyn followed.

"Can we go with you, pleading look?" Cyn asked, putting on her best puppy eyes. Or, just an image of a puppy. Of course the birthday girl couldn't resist.

"Alright, alright. Come on."


Tessa was walking in the hallways of the manor, X and Cyn close behind her. She then saw Allen, but he seemed to be walking away from her. How come? Maybe he doesn't see her yet.

She ran up behind him, hugging him from behind. Allen flinched a little, but noticed it was Tessa. He gently stroked her hair a bit.

"Hey Tessa, how are you? I can't really talk right now, I'm going somewhere." He told her, she let go of him. She was confused, Allen always had time to talk to her.

"Oh...? Uhm well, okay." Tessa rubbed her arm. Then she decided to just get a "happy birthday" from him before he leaves. "Do you know what day it is?"

She had a smile on her face, hoping he would guess and know right away. Allen looked confused, thinking for a moment. He shrugged.


"N—No...not—well yes. But like, it's a special day today, mate."

"Well, I don't have time right now. I'm sorry," Allen went over to her and gave her a big hug. With that hug came a gentle squeeze. Tessa only patted his back, not sure if he was just leaving to get away from her. "I have to go help N and fix the lightbulbs. See ya!"

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