The Past... (OC x OC)

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This story is about E (Ethan) and C.2 (Cassidy) before they were turned into Warfare Drones


Cassidy has been lying on her bed for a while now, and Ethan was getting worried about her. She was quiet and he didn't like it. He knew when she was taken from her home, her mother died and she was screaming that she needed to protect her father and little sister. Ethan was told by Cassidy that her little sister's name was Uzi, Uzi Doorman.

Cassidy Doorman sounds like a weird name, but not in a bad way. He just didn't know why their last name was based off of doors.

"Cassidy?" Ethan went to her bed, sitting down on it.

"Hm?" Cassidy turned a bit, looking at him. She looked tired. "W—What? What happened?"

"Oh, I thought something happened to you. You were being fairly quiet instead of trying to break this door down." He pointed to the locked door. They both shared a room together, they were needed for something but Ethan and her didn't know what.

"I'm too tired...t-to try anymore..." She sat up, suddenly looking upset. "What's the point anyway...? I'm never going home...I'll never see my family again..."

"Hey, don't think like that." He reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. His red eyes gave a comforting glow to Cassidy.

"I-I know you see us getting out of here anytime soon...?" She looked at him, her purple eyes displaying sadness.

Ethan sighed. Ever since Cassidy and him were placed in this room, he's gotten to know her. He knew she gave up on trying to escape. He also knew that Cassidy was a bit shy, and easily scared.

"Cass..." Ethan said, she sighed.

"I know, I know..." She murmured, she still looked upset.

Ethan looked at her for a moment, then thought of an idea to make her feel better.

"Wanna draw for a bit?" He asked her, Cassidy looked at him and slowly nodded.

They both went to the drawing desk they had in the room. Cassidy sat down first, then Ethan did. She sighed heavily and started to sketch, she sketched a cat. Ethan decided to comment about it as he started to sketch someone.

"That's a pretty good looking cat." He complimented her, smiling at her. Cassidy smiled back at her.

"Well, it's not the best" She murmured, continuing to draw her cat picture.

Ethan looked at her from time to time, and then back at his paper. Cassidy was noticing this, and it made her feel funny. She decided to comment on it, as she wanted to know if he needed something from her.

"Ethan? Uhm, you've been...kinda looking at me. D—Do you need something...?" She pondered softly, looking up at him. She swear she saw him blush a bit.

"Well, since you were feeling upset and all...I decided to draw...y'know, you."

"You drew...m—me...?"

Ethan nodded shyly, holding up the picture. It was a beautiful picture, and it really captured her features. He even colored it in...she felt herself blush.

"You can...have it." He gave her the picture, looking away from her. He was blushing too.

"Uhm...thank you Ethan." Cassidy smiled as she took the picture from him. She gently ran her fingers over it, taking in what Ethan did for her. "I love it."

"You—You do?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. He was just happy that he made her happy.

"Mhm." She looked up at him, making her smile bigger. She even giggled a bit, and Ethan wanted to hear that again.

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