The Quarrel (OC x Canon)

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Allen and Tessa (both grown, not in the manor and on Copper 9) have a bit of a fight with each other

This is also where they take N to safety after he was flashed by the dinos

Angst and comfort :D


"Tessa, did you seriously try and pet the raptor?!" Allen's voice raised at her, Tessa backed up in shock but nodded.

"Well, I just thought-"

"Tessa, you could've gotten torn apart!" He grabbed her hand and looked at the injury. Blood was dripping and splattering everywhere.

"Allen I-" She tried to speak but he cut her off.

"Don't move your hand, I'll bandage you up." Allen grabbed a bandage roll from his waist belt and started to wrap up her hand. "You can't just pet these dinos, amor."

It was hard to tell what emotion was on his face as his helmet and very tinted screen covered his face. They never even saw each others faces in a while ...or—years because of this.

"I know..." Tessa sighed as she let him finish off wrapping the injury.

As he finished and let go of her hand, he spoke again.

"We have to talk, Tessa." He said, he sounded angry still.

"We can't we have to go find Cyn, possibly kill Uzi off and-"

"See? That's what I mean."


"We're killing an innocent worker drone, Tessa." Allen said, he crossed his arms.

"Because we HAVE to Allen?! What don't you get?!" Tessa started to raise her voice at him.

"I'm saying that WE CAN'T KILL INNOCENT DRONES TESSA!" Allen yelled, Tessa didn't like his tone at all, she couldn't even see what emotion is displayed on his face because of the astronaut helmets.


"If you love N like he's your son, then you'll KNOW how ATTACHED HE IS TO UZI!"




"That he'll have to kill off Cyn, like N has to kill Uzi? The one he loves so much because YOU SAY SO?!"

Tessa was taken aback from his tone. He never yelled at her. He never did because it would break her.

But why is he yelling?

"Tessa, I care for X like he's my SON! We can't do this to him." Allen said.

"B-But I-"

"Ay dos MÍO TESSA!"


"CÁLLATE!" Allen yelled at her once again, his hand hitting a nearby table.

This is where she broke.

She knew what he said, to shut up. He never says that to her.

But he just did.

"God damnit." He turned away from her and put a hand to his head. "First, you hurt yourself and now you want to hurt others."

Tessa didn't answer, she only stood there, taking in what he said to her. She was shaking and wanted to cry but was trying so hard to hold in her tears and shut her mouth. Tessa didn't want to break down there, she couldn't, maybe he'd say something about how sensitive and soft-hearted she really was.

She was just trying to goof around because she and Allen were the only humans left (well, known), and goofing off was just her coping mechanism. And Allen just yelled at her. She didn't want this to happen, she didn't want to fight with her love.

Her injury on her hand was numb, the only pain she felt was in her heart.

Tessa made sure she kept quiet and let the tears fall by themselves.

She sat down on a chair, head hung low, shoulders slumped, and just cried to herself quietly. No noise, she couldn't let him know at all.

"Why did he yell at me? Why? Does he not care?" She thought to herself.

She held both of her hands together, she imagined how Allen would wrap his arms and hands around her to make her feel better. But this was different, he wouldn't want to right now. But she would.

She would like to be held by him, Allen whispering sweet nothings to her while he calmed her down with love.

Just like they did in the Manor.

Whenever her mother hit her or chained her up, he was always there, holding her hand, telling her it was okay. Telling her how pretty she was and how good of a job she was doing at everything.

Maybe if she apologized...

"Look, Tessa, maybe there's another cure for the solver but WE CAN'T absolutely CAN'T KILL OFF DRONES!" He turned back to her. Maybe she shouldn't say sorry, it'll make it worse...

"Mhm..." She mumbled, it was as quietly as she could go without making that quivering tone of hers whenever she cried.

Allen looked at Tessa for a moment.

He recognized that little shiver of hers...

Also, he heard small, sad noises coming from her.

He was too harsh on her.

"She still has that soft side of hers." He thought. "I can't just yell at her like that."

Besides, he was the only human who was there and protected her when the...incident happened at the Manor.

Allen can't just yell at her and expect her to take it.


Her head shot up quickly to his voice.

"Now look what you did, you hurt her." A voice in his head told him.

"I'm sorry for...yelling I didn't mean it to...make you sad." He sat down next to her, Allen put a hand on her back and rubbed it in circles.

"I know you can't see my face but let me tell you that I'm genuinely sorry for yelling and telling you to shut up. I'm just stressed about this whole...thing."

"I-I know." Tessa mumbled.

"Do you?"


Allen sometimes wished he didn't have to wear this stupid helmet because of the air toxicity. That way he could see her face and be able to kiss her once again like they last did back on Earth.

"Mi amor, I love you so much. I know this may be our first quarrel and there might be more in the future...I'm letting you know that I won't leave you okay?" Allen cupped her helmet to turn it to his gaze. "We...might not be able to kiss each other but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I'm glad to have found you in my life."

"A-Allen...I love you too..." Tessa smiled from under her helmet, he might not see it but he knew it was there.

They embraced each other in a hug. A long, warm, tight hug.

"I do hope we find another way to remove the Absolute Solver. I do know how close N is with Uzi and how X is super close with Cyn." She whispered. "I don't want to break their hearts either."

"We'll find a way, just gotta have confidence, amor." He pulled away from her. Under his helmet, he was smiling, he could tell she was too.

"Now let's go wake N up and be on our way." Allen told Tessa. She nodded while holding his hand.


Sorry that this literally only has oc x canon chapters I SWEAR I HAVE CANON X CANON IN HERE THEY ARE JUST WIP AACK

Anyway I do have some OC x OC cooking up 🤑

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