I love you for who you are, Zi (Canon x Canon)

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Hehe thadzi hehe angst and fluff hehe
Takes place after the camp episode
Update: Also yes ik Nuzi is canon and I'm happy but I also ship Thadzi and Thad x Uzi x N sooo Hehe

Short story srry 🤑
(Art above not mine)

Thad knocked on the door, he wanted to check on Uzi as there were rumors saying that she had killed some worker drones. He didn't like how the students were towards Zi at all. It wasn't nice really. Besides he also brought a gift for her.

"Mr. Doorman, you there?" He called, though to know answer. He opened the door anyway as it wasn't locked, maybe Khan went to work or go do something.

"He should be caring about his daughter." Thad mumbled under his breath. The house was normal, it wasn't messy or anything. He continued forward to look for Uzi's room and immediately found it, the room having a purple glow which is probably her favorite color.

"Zi? You there?" He knocked on the door.

"Go away!" She responded.

"Uzi, it's me Thad."

"I don't care, go away."

Thad sighed and went in anyway.

"Zi, I just wanted to check on you." He said to her, she was on her bed, facing away from the door. She grumbled in response.

"I brought you something." He came closer to her bed.

"Leave it here and leave yourself." She responded with an angry tone.

"Why would I leave?" He pondered.

"Haven't you heard? You were on the camping trip anyway." Uzi pulled a blanket over her, burying herself. "Why'd you even want to see me anyway?"

"Because I care unlike all the others. You're just being you, Uzi." Thad sat on her bed, he left the baby cow plushie next to her.

"Yeah right." She turned to face him, her angry purple eyes gazed at the baby cow plush. They lit up a little which made Thad happy.

"A baby cow...uh...how'd you-"

"I saw you draw one in class. I thought you loved them because of that." He smiled at her, Uzi blushed in response.

"Well, uh...thanks." She mumbled, she grabbed the baby cow and brought it close to her.

No one has ever done that for her, maybe he does care. But isn't he scared about the fact that she killed and ate some of his classmates?

"You don't...have to stay Thad. You can leave." She told him, he shook his head.

"Why Zi?" Thad asked her.

"Well, the rumors are true. I killed them Thad, I really did." Uzi buried her face into the baby cow plushie, her voice cracked a little when she said that. She felt really guilty.

"It isn't your fault Uzi." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "You were controlled by something. You didn't know what you were doing."

"B-But—" Uzi stuttered, starting to tear up.

"Uzi, if you need to be comforted, I'm right here. Open arms, literally, for a hug." He smiled, letting his arms open a little. Uzi stared at him for a little, she sat up and wiped her tears. She slowly dissolved into the hug.

She sniffled a bit, closing her eyes. Thad wrapped his arms around her and patted her back.

"There there..."



"Y-You're not mad at me for killing your classmates, right?" Uzi pondered.

"No, not at all. It wasn't your fault anyway, Zi." Thad replied in a soft tone.

They sat there for a while, cuddling and basking in every feeling of warmth they could give.

That is until Thad heard a little rumble come from Uzi. It sounded like purring...but that isn't possible is it? But he thought only Disassembly Drones had purring, he's seen it when Uzi pats N on the head.

But no, it is her purring. And he thought it was adorable.

"Uzi, are you purr-"

"I know, stupid purring. Bite me Thad."

"Well I thought it was adorable." He chuckled, Uzi froze before mumbling another "bite me".

"Look, I still don't feel all that happy so I'm just going to lay down and sleep." Uzi mumbled after she pulled away from the hug. "You can...lay down with me if you want. I do still feel lonely."

"Alright then. If you feel comfortable with it." Thad said, getting into Uzi's covers with her. They were still hugging, and Uzi quickly felt sleepy.

Though Thad did have to ask, "Hey Zi, are all worker drones capable of having those cool wings like you did back at camp?"



"Well, I'm not sure about that one Thad." She yawned. "But I am sure that if you don't shut up I'll shoot you with my sick as hell railgun."

"Okay okay! Sorry Zi." Thad slightly laughed. He sighed as he felt his eyes grow heavy.

Soon enough, both visors displaced "Sleep Mode".


"Uzi!" C.2 called out, her sister was so upset about the whole incident that she had to look for her herself. "Look, I know you don't want to see anyone but N wants to make sure your okay!"

She knocked on Uzi's door, then went in after no answer.


C.2 saw Thad and Uzi on the bed, cuddling each other.

"Never mind. Guess N doesn't have to worry much now." She said as she closed the door and went back to the spire.


Also if ur wondering C.2 is Uzi's sis so don't ship them please. (You are a disgusting grace of an asshole if you like incest)
Also C.2's actual name is Cassidy but only lets people who are close to her call her that aka E (a close "friend") and Uzi.
SORRY THIS WAS SHORT I mean aren't oneshots supposed to be 🤨
Bye 🦭

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