Love Letter (Canon x Canon)

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Doll tries to confess her feelings to Lizzy

Requested by: @tokeyoro (hopefully I said it correctly)


Doll looked at her letter she was holding. She sighed as she slipped it under Lizzy's house door, knocked, and quickly left before anyone saw her.

She's been doing this for months now. These letters were anonymous to Lizzy. But that would change soon with that one letter she slipped under that door. Let's hope Lizzy didn't unfriend her because Doll really liked her.

She went up to her cousin Uzi who gave her the advice in order to be able to do this.

"Was that good enough?" Doll asked, the sentence (originally Russian) translated to Uzi quickly.

"Yeah, you'll be fine." She patted her back as they walked back to Doll's house.


Lizzy heard the knock and sighed.

"Yeah Rebecca, hold on, let me bring you while I go get the door."

"Is it those letters again?"


"Have you figured out who it was?" Rebecca pondered to her friend.

"No, to be honest, they're all just anonymous." Lizzy stood by the door and saw the letter in front of it. She smiled. "Though...maybe I'll find out today."

"You ALWAYS say that Liz!" Rebecca scoffed, Lizzy giggled a little.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Lizzy picked up the letter and opened it.


The letter was different, definitely. There were drawings of her...and Doll.

She looked to the bottom of the letter and there signed was "Love, Doll <3".

"Something happened!!" Rebecca squealed over the phone. "Spill the tea girl!"

"Okay okay! I'll read it..."

"Dear Lizzy,

This is the last letter I'll be giving to you, I want you to meet me outside of those huge doors my uncle built. Don't worry, the "freaky" Disassembly Drones won't bother us tonight. We'll have a date together, a nice one, we'll stargaze together. That is if you want to, Lizzy.
If you don't feel the same...I understand. But I've been holding these feelings ever since we became friends, I just wanted to let it out so it wouldn't hurt my heart. Lizzy, I love you.

Doll <3"

"O-M-G! It was DOLL?!" Rebecca screamed from the phone speakers.

"I-I was surprised too, you don't think it's-"

"No girly, it is not weird at all! Go for it! I know how you've been staring at her!!" She smiled from the FaceTime, Lizzy smiled as well. Her heartbeat quickened with joy and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

"But I need to wear something!" Lizzy said to Rebecca.

"I'll be there, stat." Rebecca declared before hanging up the call.


"Okay, so we have a lot to choose from!" Rebecca told Lizzy as she pulled out her best items from her closet.

"Something that Doll really likes, okay Rebecca?"

"Chill out Lizz! I know what Doll likes in you!" She shooed her with her hand. "Anyway, what aboutt...this?" She held up a pink dress, Lizzy nodded, thinking it looked pretty.

"Oh! Maybe I could add a pretty hair clip on my hair to match!" Lizzy went to her drawer and grabbed a cute pink butterfly clip, one that Doll gave to her. It was special to her.

"Doll will be head over heels with you!"

"You think so?"



"Okay, how does this look?" Lizzy asked Rebecca, she came out of her bathroom all dressed up with the butterfly clip in her hair.

"So fab!" Rebecca smiled. "Now go on, go on get her!" She winked, Lizzy rolled her eyes but smiled while doing so. She went out the door, but before leaving, she took a single red rose to give to Doll.


Doll was waiting on a black blanket with hearts on it on the floor. She was outside, waiting for Lizzy in a red dress that she used for prom. She hoped she would come, but that was soon answered when Lizzy came walking to her with a single red rose in one hand.

"Hey Doll." She waved at her, Doll smiled.

"Hello Lizzy." Her Russian accent making contact with Lizzy's hearing sensors.

"I...brought you a rose." Lizzy handed her the rose, her smile widened and her red eyes softened.

"Thank you Lizzy." She looked up at her, Lizzy nodded as she sat down next to her.

Lizzy looked at the candle that was lit. It was her favorite smell, lavender. She smiled, happy that Doll seemed to feel the same about her.

"Doll," She started, blushing a little. "were you the one who sent those letters to me?"

Doll blushed a little to the mention of that, she nodded.

"Yes, I did." She whispered. "Why?"

"Well, I like how you described me in them." Lizzy admitted. "I'm really that pretty to you?"

"Mhm." Doll responded, smiling softly. A soft look in those red eyes of hers. "You are more than pretty Lizzy. I'd say you're beautiful."

Lizzy blushed harder, "O—Oh." She looked away, giggling, her pink eyes looked back at her.

She looked up at Lizzy's hair and saw the butterfly clip, she smiled.

"The clip. You decided to wear it."

"Well, duh! Why wouldn't I Doll?" She giggled. Doll's heart fluttered when she heard her giggle, it was something she liked to hear.

"I just...wasn't expecting it." Doll murmured, she moved some hair out of her face. Her red eyes looked at her, giving a comforting glow.

"I've liked you for a while." Lizzy spoke, blushing a bit. "You are a unique girl, Doll."

Doll chuckled softly, "You are too, Lizzy." She smiled at her.

They just sat there for a few moments, Doll stared at Lizzy intently. She almost seemed that she wanted to do something.

"I love you Lizzy." She said after a few moments, smiling again.

"I love you too, Dolly." Lizzy giggled, giving her that special nickname.

Awkward silence, none of them knew how to kiss. Not even Lizzy surprisingly, maybe because she was only into girls that she never had her first kiss.

Doll scooted closer to her, "So...Lizzy..."

"Doll..." Lizzy nodded slowly, leaning her face closer to hers. Doll also leaned in, then she decided it was best to go in anyway.

She gently press her lips against Lizzy's, embracing in a long kiss. Lizzy was surprised by Doll's sudden move, but she quickly gotten comfortable and closed her eyes. The kiss seemed forever, but also seemed so short once they parted.

"Wow." Lizzy whispered.

"Was that...good? It was my first..." Doll looked at her, awkwardly smiling. Lizzy nodded at her, smiling at her too. They were both a blushing mess.

"Well, you should do that more often." She said, Doll laughed.

"Yeah, I will Lizzy, don't worry."


Is my birthday today

Also this was a request by someone cause why not



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