Is this too much?

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X and Cyn but it's Valentine's Day :3

With an additional someone!!!

Also this is the future, so no stupid AS >:(((

This is one one shot out of three more! They are all Valentine's themed, and are future based.



X was carrying a hell ton of stuff for Cyn. It was a surprise for Valentine's Day, and Allen looked at him with a confused look.

"You sure she needs all of that?" Allen asked. "I think that's quite much, X."

"W-Well, yeah, she likes lots of stuffed animals and blankets and dandelions and-"

"Yes, X, I get it. But...will all of it fit in the room?" He asked again, and X paused. He wasn't so sure.

"Well...uhm...I guess we just find out." X shrugged.

X was planning on setting up a little at-home theater for him, Cyn, and Lyra. He was struggling to carry all these things though, and he couldn't fly as he had a giant cat plush on his back. But, he managed to go home, saying bye to Allen of course, and getting all the things into the house.

It was a struggle, but it was definitely worth it!

Now, he just has to set everything up, and set up blankets and pillows and stuffed animals. It would be easy peasy, he was a great organizer.


"So, which one Lyra? The white kitty or the grey kitty?" Cyn held up to plushies to her little baby. Though Lyra couldn't really point as she was still in her shell, but she did babble and turn her body to the grey one.

"Alright, grey kitty it is!" She put it into the cart, soon paying and getting out of the store.

Lyra was X and Cyn's little baby. She had one yellow eye and one blue eye, which was rare among some babies. Lyra just had any moment to come out of that shell, but it didn't seem like it was today. At least that's what Cyn thought. But right now, she was flying home with Lyra in her arms while carrying what she bought. She didn't buy much, but it was enough for X. X will love anything she gave him anyway.

Lyra babbled baby nonsense as she arrived home. She saw X come out of the house immediately, almost like he was expecting her or hiding something. But a good kind of hiding.

X ran up to Cyn and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. She giggled, and X soon picked up Lyra and gave her a small kiss on her head too. Lyra giggled, babbling baby gibberish again.

"How are you guys?" He asked, still having that soft tone of his. He always had this comforting tone, and Cyn loved it. It made her feel safe and at home. Somewhere where she belonged.

"We're good, were you waiting for us?" Cyn asked him, and he nodded in response.

"Yeah, uh, I'm not sure if what I got you was uhm...t—too much? But...if it makes you happy, then I know it was just enough." X said, blushing a little. His tail swishing side to side in a happy manner.

"You did something for me? Aw, X!" Cyn gave him a basket with things she got from the store. She blushed a little. "I—It might not be much but...I do love you X."

"Aw,'s fine if it's not much. It's enough for me." He pulled her close to his body. "Now c'mon! I need to show you something!"


X soon brought Cyn to their shared room, and she immediately gasped. There was a setup of blankets and pillows on the floor, and a big giant cat plushie along with other plushies as well. There were also Cyn's favorite snacks.

Cyn squealed, and hugged him. Though she was careful as he was carrying Lyra.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Cyn then gave him some quick kisses. "Oh, there's even a spot for Lyra to lay!"

Cyn gently grabbed her daughter and placed her on the blankets. Lyra was confused at first, but then wiggled happily. The baby giggled and babbled.

"Oh X, this is amazing. How'd you manage to carry all of this though?"

"Well...uhm...let's just say I struggled a few times." X laughed nervously, and Cyn smiled at him. "But, it's worth it. Cause I get to see you smile!"

X swung Cyn around playfully, and she giggled . They continued to go back and forth, playing with each other, running around one another, and swinging each other around. Lyra saw this and started to wiggle a little, wanting to join in on the fun.

Lyra started to wiggle a bit more, happily giggling. She was wiggling more now, and then her shell cracked a little. X and Cyn didn't notice at first, as they kept playing around with each other.

"H—Hey! Stop tickling me—haha!"

"Aw, but Cyn, you are cute when you smile!"

Lyra's shell cracked more as she tried to go to her parents. She rolled off her little blanket and cracked her shell a bit more. Lyra was speaking baby gibberish loudly, trying to go to her parents.

"Aba! Wawa! Aahehe!" Lyra babbled, cracking her shell even more.

Cyn looked to her daughter and gasped, thinking she was dying or something.

"Lyra! Is she-"

"She's breaking out of her shell!" X exclaimed, and Cyn was confused for a moment before she realized. She was finally going to see her features for the first time! She'll have wings and hands and legs now!

Soon, the shell cracked and Lyra was free. She immediately wobbled onto the floor, having new legs and hands. Then she flapped those tiny wings of hers, flying and tilting to the side until X picked her up.

"Aw, baby Lyra!" X and Cyn huddled close to their daughter. She was no longer a little baby egg, like Cyn called her, now she was a baby Disassembly Drone.

Lyra had light grey hair, just like X. At the end of her little strands though, she had Cyn's colored hair. Except they faded into the grey, which was her main color hair. Lyra waved her hands at her parents, speaking happily now that she was able to move around.

"Aba! Aba wawa!"

"Yes, aba wawa, you silly baby." Cyn giggled, so happy to finally see her daughter out of her shell. She thought it would be at least a week more before she hatched.

"She looks so adorable..." X murmured, leaning against Cyn.

"Now I can put pretty bows in her hair and pretty dresses!" She said, smiling. Both of their tails were wagging back and forth, it was a happy moment.

"Now c'mon, let's watch the movie I picked out for us."

X and Cyn soon got settled into the blankets, and so did Lyra. But first, they put on some comfy pajamas on her so she wouldn't be cold. Then, they cuddled up all together and put on the movie.

It was safe to say this was the best day ever for the both of them, the best Valentine's Day ever too. Now that Lyra was out of her shell, they'd be able to do so much more with her now. Like giving her toys to play with, teaching her how to walk, everything a parent would do for their child.

And X and Cyn were both happy to give their child the best life ever.


First Valentine's one shot down, three more to go


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