Am I still beautiful to you? (Oc x Canon)

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Some fluff and angst


Also you can imagine with Tessa's x eyes or normal eyes.

Hold on tight yall

Hold on tight yall

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Allen was walking through the labs, he heard Tessa was down here. And he thought when she was in her spacesuit, it was her. But there wasn't weird did Tessa get taken when he wasn't here?

That damn solver. Ruined everything.

He shone the light on all the parts of blood and oil on the floor. She was here somewhere, maybe suffering. She couldn't be dead, no, his love just couldn't die. If that stupid thing took her, then there was a possibility she was immune to this toxic air. The Absolute Solver built and rearranged her anyway.

"Oh god, Tessa...donde esta?" Allen whispered to himself.

Luckily, those questions were answered when he heard soft crying.

He recognized that from anywhere.

"Tessa?" He whispered, feeling a startle of hope.

Allen followed the crying sound, just in case, he held his sword in his hand. Just in case if there was anything here. He felt the sobbing get louder, and he was brought to a room.

There she was. Black hair and everything...well mostly. She had some robotic parts to her, one of a worker drone. Poor Tessa, his sweet love.



Tessa jumped back, staring at him with wide eyes. Oh, right, she can't recognize him. His helmet blocked his entire face.

Oh...her face. He felt mad at himself for letting her get hurt like this. For leaving her unattended and hopeless, and all alone. He didn't know how long she had been in here. Her eyes looked like she was punched by someone. Her hair was messy, she had eye bags, and her body...oh god...

"Wh—Who are you?!" Tessa backed up a little, she was kneeling on the floor. She looked like a panicked cat.

Allen walked slowly over to her, "Tessa, it's me, Allen. Remember? Your boyfriend?"

"B-Boyfriend...? I..." She trailed off, pausing her sentence. She squinted at him, looking at his name tag. Tessa's eyes then widened. "B—But I thought..."

"Thought what?" Allen spoke to her with a soft tone, kneeling down. He was still at a distance from her, so she could feel comfortable. Even though he had an urge to bring her into his arms and hug her.

"I thought you were—they told me you were killed..." She put a hand to her head, not sure if this was real or not. She was trembling a little in this cold environment. "I'm dreaming...I think...I don't know...!"

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