The Day I Met You (OC x Canon)

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When Tessa and Allen first met because I felt like writing it



Tessa stared at the new human who came in to the house. He was her age, taller than her though. He must be the new handyman her mother and father were talking about.

"Oh wow, at least it isn't an old person..." Tessa thought to herself.

"...and you'll be just checking in to the rooms. Just be sure to check in with Tessa if you're checking her room. Speaking of her, Tessa James Elliot!" Her father called her, she immediately walked over. Wincing that he called her by her full name in front of the new human.

"Yes father?" She said, looking at her dad.

"Meet Allen Valdez. He's the new handyman we told you about."

Allen offered her a handshake, which she returned politely while mumbling, "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Now, we'll be going. Tessa, will you show him his room?" Her mother asked her, she nodded, not wanting to get on her bad side at all today.

"Follow me." She murmured and he followed. Tessa knew that his room was actually by her room, so it wasn't a difficult task to do.

She felt awkward beside him, she wasn't used to being with other humans her age, especially a boy.

They were walking up stairs now, Tessa trying not to look at him as that's her usual shy demeanor. Well, that is until he spoke up.

"Hey, Tessa, right?" Allen asked, he had an accent. A Spanish accent, he was Hispanic then! She never met someone outside of Australia before. "I'm just wondering if there is a set of rules that I have to follow to do with my manners since you called me 'sir'."

"Oh, uh, I mean...yeah?" She wasn't so sure as those rules only applied to her. "Well, I'm not sure...sorry..."

"Oh no, that's alright, I'm just wondering." He smiled at her, in which she blushed in response and looked away quickly. She shouldn't have blushed! Why did she blush anyway?! She just met him!

They arrived at his room, she opened the door for him.

"Oh, didn't expect this much space." Allen said, looking around the room. "Also thanks for showing me my room, Tessa."

"It's no problem." Tessa awkwardly smiled. "Uhm...for now I guess...see you later?"

"See you later Tessa!" He waved at her.


It was now the next day and Tessa heard knocking at her door. She groaned as she was really tired, who could even be knocking at her door?

She got up from her bed, stretched, and slowly made her way to the door, grumbling. She was in her night gown so she didn't think about changing, her hair was down and it was only a tad bit messy.

"Who is it?" J asked, she was on her bed, reading something. N, V, and Cyn were playing together, they looked like they were having fun.

"I...dunno..." Tessa murmured, her hand finally reached the doorknob and she opened the door.

"Oh hey Tessa. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep."

"Mmm? What...?"

"Wait, hold on, she isn't awake." J got up from her bed, closed the book she was reading, and made her way to Tessa. "Wake up Tessa!"

"Huh wha?!" Her eyes blinked rapidly as J snapped her fingers in front of her. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the person in front of her.

It was Allen. And he was all dressed for work while she was just in her night gown with shorts.

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