Bad Dream (OC x Canon)

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Small continuation of "Meeting You" where Cyn has a bad nightmare :(



Cyn got up quickly, out of X's grasp. She sat up on the bed, sweating. She had a nightmare again.

" one to...cry to...sad face..." Cyn mumbled, looking around the room. She sniffled and started to softly sob there. "No one cares about me, sniffle."

X heard noises and opened his eyes a little, he saw Cyn, crying. This worried him, so he spoke to her.

"Cyn...? Whats wrong?" He whispered softly, still tired.

Cyn turned to him and hugged him, crying onto his shoulder. X was surprised but he patted her back in comfort.

"'s okay, there there..." X mumbled, he knew what kind of Worker Drone he was now after he gained some memories before he was discarded. One meant for comforting, but he's never really comforted someone before. So all he could think of was to gently rub her back in circles while she sobs onto his shoulder.

X decided to let Cyn cry, he can't make everyone feel better. And besides, it's best to let your emotions out and then talk about it.

"Sorry...sad face..." Cyn murmured after she calmed down. "Nightmare..."

"I-I said it before we slept." X looked around the room, seeing that everyone else was asleep. He guessed Allen and Tessa were sleeping too. "A—Are you okay now?"

"Kind of...sniffle..." Cyn moved away from his shoulder and looked around. " asleep?"





"Uhm...d-do you want to...t-talk about your nightmare...?" He looked at her, unsure of what she would say to him.

"Talk...confused look?" Cyn looked at him.

"About...your nightmare, yeah." X placed his hand on hers. "If you want to."

Cyn gave him a blank stare for a few moments, then she shrugged.

"Shrug. I don't know." She mumbled. "Maybe..."

"Well Cyn, it's either a yes or no."

She moved away from his chest, and slowly nodded.

"It was a scary nightmare...sniffle..." Cyn started to explain. "I was in the Manor, alone, and something was chasing me...shudder shudder..."

Cyn moved back into X's arms, putting her head under his chin. She rubbed her head against him a little, like a cat would.

"I don't know what it was...I was too scared to look." She continued. "I had no one to help me, sniffle, everyone was gone...sad face..."

"Oh...I'm sorry Cyn..." X whispered to her, slightly pulling away from the hug. "I would've been scared too..."

"It's okay, X. It wasn't your fault, sniffle." She rubbed her nose and looked at him. "Can I...still cuddle you, pondering look?"

"Y-Yeah, of course." He smiled at her, pulling her back into his arms.

"Okay," Cyn smiled at him, she was calm now. "Shuffle, shuffle. Cuddle, snuggle..."

"You sure you feel better now...? I just wanna make sure..." X pondered to her softly, he was still a bit worried.

"I'm okay, giggle, thank you X."

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