They Have Emotions Too? (OC x OC)

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K and Astoria's first meet (new oc's)

K is J's little brother btw


Astoria's POV

I gently held the incased rose in the palms of my hands. I wasn't my happy self today. I was quite sadder than that.

Emily, one of my friends, had been killed. I saw it with my own eyes. Uzi did it.

But I couldn't blame her, she wasn't herself.

Me and my other best friends set up a memorial for her and I decided to place an incased rose (since it can't possibly live in Copper 9) near her grave.

As I approached the grave, I gently placed the rose on the ground. This was along other things that Emily owned, even her favorite books.

Why did it have to be her?

I felt tears appear on my visors and just let them fall. I crossed my arms and hugged myself while I let out small cries of grief outside of the colony.

It's not fair.

It's not fair at all.


I watched the little worker drone place something down, what was she doing?

Well it didn't matter to me as I was about to kill her.

I unsheathed my sharp wings and quickly glided down to her. She didn't have time to turn around as I used my nanite tail to stab through her hand and throw her onto the ground. She yelped as I pinned her down, I grinned.

My visor displayed an X and as I was about to finally kill her...something made me stop for some reason.

As I looked at her...she was crying?

Most worker drones I kill don't cry, they're just scared...but she was different.

Why couldn't I budge? Why couldn't I stab her?

Did I care? I don't really know if I should...but if N was able to—wait what am I thinking again? Isn't she food?

"Don't kill me..." She braced herself, using her arms as someway to defend herself.

They...have emotions too?

"Little brother! I thought we all stopped killing worker drones!" I heard my older sister J call out to me. I got up and brushed myself off as she landed.

"We did?" I pondered, genuinely.

"Oh, K." She rolled her eyes, she looked to the worker drone. "Also we aren't supposed to use our nanite tails on them bro, her hand is burning."

I looked to the worker drone and she was hissing in pain, I sighed as I got a rag from my pocket and spat on it.

"Use this, worker drone!" I threw to rag at her. She caught it and murmured something incoherent to herself.

"Anyway, apologize cause we have oil at home." She unsheathed her wings and took off. I sighed again in frustration. I wasn't even going to kill her! I think? Was I? Maybe? Maybe not? I don't know!

"Damn you, sis!" I yelled to her as she flew away.

"Okay, uh, what's your name?" I turned to the worker drone as I calmed myself down, she still had those tears in her magenta eyes.

"Astoria..." She mumbled very quietly, I assumed she was a shy introvert so I probably scared her a lot. Wait...what-

"Well, Astoria, I'm sorry for trying to kill you." I told her, she didn't answer though but she looked to the position where she once stood at and gasped.

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