Panic and Comfort (OC x Canon)

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Tessa, accidentally breaking an expensive vase, breaks down.
Fortunately someone is there to help her.

(Sorry if I don't depict the panic attack well, I'll try more better if it isn't accurate, I just took this from the Puss In Boots Last Wish thing)

Also JUST SAYING THE KISSING ISNT THAT STUFF K?! That's usually how movies depict it 🤷‍♀️ (some)

(Tessa's POV)

I stared at the broken glass on the floor, petrified. I broke the v-vase. I didn't...I didn't mean to!

"Oh no no no!" I mumbled to myself while J stood beside me. Her expression was worried.

"Tessa, you know what your mother will do right?" J pondered, I quickly turned to her.

"I-I know that J! And I'm scared!" I panic whispered. My heartbeat started to beat a bit faster, what do I even do?! Leave the glass there? Try and clean up? Mother will hit me or injure me anyway!

"Tessa, I'll take the blame. Go to your room." J patted my shoulder. I looked at her in surprise.

"B-But J-"

"Tessa. You've taken care of us, let us help you."

I stared at her for a moment and nodded. I quickly ran to go to my room before anyone, especially mother, saw me.

My heartbeat quickened as I thought of the terrible outcomes. Being chained, being hit, bruised again, maybe hit even harder?

As I made it into my room I was sweating and panicking. I closed the door and made my way behind my bed against the wall. My breaths were uneven and I was quickly taking in breaths.

Not again. Please not again.

I don't wanna have this attack alone. Please...

(Allen's POV)

"I heard J had gotten in trouble for breaking a vase?" I asked N, he nodded.

"Yeah, she whispered to me that she took the blame for Tessa. She was the one who broke it." He whispered back to me. I nodded. Poor Tessa and poor J.

Tessa...where is she anyway?

"N? Where's Tess?" I asked him, he shrugged.

"Maybe she's in her room? I can't go check with you as I have to clean these wine bottles." N told me as he gently rubbed the glass cups with delicacy.

"Alright, I'll be back then." I took my toolbox with me and was on my way to Tessa's room.

I felt bad for Tessa and her worker drones, her folk (well her mother) are abusive and injure and traumatize them. Even to other workers. I remember one of Tess's drones, X, was so scared of being punished he just made sure everything he did was perfect.

I hated Tessa's mother and prayed for some karma on her. One wouldn't even hurt a bit.

As I was nearing her room, I heard rapid breathing coming from somewhere. The sound was followed by crying.

Was it Tessa?

Was she hurt?

I quickly speed-walked to her room and quickly opened the door.

After I closed the door of her room I quickly ran only to find her up against a wall, crying and breathing rapidly. Her left arm was on her chest, where her heart was. I heard it, it was pounding. Loudly, like it was trying to escape.

She must be having a panic attack.

"Tessa!? Tessa!? It's me, Allen!" I dropped my toolbox and quickly kneeled next to her. Her cries were more louder.

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