Cuddle Partners! (Canon x Canon)

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N x Uzi content 🤑

Anonymous request!! :D

Art above, again, not mine! (Art will only be mine if it's oc x oc or oc x canon!)


N was watching Uzi sleep peacefully, and he had something he wanted to do.

Since Uzi was always grumpy and all, he would decided to fix that! He would snuggle her up and not let go until she was fully happy! Just the idea of it made his yellow nanite tail swish around happily. Wagging just like a dog's would.

He hoped his idea would work, as Uzi has been a real grump. Even her older sister C.2 says so. So he wanted to do the honors and fix that today.

He then pounced on her bed, "Uzi! Uzi! Wake up!"

"Ugh, N?! What the hell! I'm trying to sleep!" Uzi grumbled, giving him a tired glare.

"I knooow that and I will make your sleep 100 times better!" N exclaimed, getting himself tucked into the bed and wrapping his arms around her.

"What're you doing...?" She pondered, giving him a confused look. She was slightly blushing, though she wasn't very flustered as it was just N hugging her.

"Cuddling you until you stop being grumpy." He gave her a cheeky smile. "Because you've been a reeeaaal grump ever since yesterday."

"What? No I haven't!" She glared at him.


"Bite me!" Uzi grumbled, looking away from him. Then looked back at him. "Not actually! Don't do what you did last time! No biting my arm!"

"Grumpy Uzi, hehe...even though it's fun...." N rested his head on top of hers. "I wanna see a very, very, very, very, veeerrry happy Uzi."

"Ugh..." She sighed, accepting her fate in his arms. She had to admit, she was being angry for no reason. But what would a hug do? Help her? Not like she's ever been hugged, she's never been hugged!

"You done?" Uzi asked, her voice sounding grumpy.

"Nope! Since you're being a bit pokey," N gave her a slight glare, though it was a weak glare. "I'm gonna tell you some dog facts!"

"N, please, I-"

"Did you know golden retrievers have gentle mouths? That means they are really good with kids!" His tail started to wag all over, he cuddled Uzi closer to him.

"Ughhh..." Uzi groaned, there was no hope in escaping N's arms. No way at all, especially when he's talking about dogs. Any dog in the world, he could talk about for hours on end.

She just has to put through it.

"Did you know dalmatians have black spots all over them? It's so cute!" N giggled, he was happy. He also took off Uzi's beanie, seeing her purple, ruffed up hair.

"N, I'm not dumb. Also, give me my beanie back!" Uzi tried to reach for it but N booped her nose.

"Nuh uh, bad Uzi!"

"Did you just-"

"Boop your nose? Yeah I did, you are being a grump and I don't like it." He hugged her even tighter. "Now relax."

Uzi groaned again, but decided to listen to N anyway. She relaxed herself into his arms, and soon wrapped her arms around him. It actually felt...nice? But she shouldn't feel that! Why was she feeling that?!

She grumbled nothings under her breath, not liking this lovey dovey emotion. Or did she like this lovey dovey emotion? She didn't know! Uzi never cared about love that much!

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