To Save You (Canon x Canon)

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What will happen, I'm Glitch Productions 🤯
This is V x J btw and might be a short story
(Big fan of oilrose btw)

Also YES IM SAD ABOUT V and also the Nuzi content is cute, but seeing them get attached to each other will make trying to end this very upsetting :(


This is it.

I'm dying.

To a bunch of  blue-eyed robo-raptors.

Never thought that would happen, but here I am. Doing this to save Uzi, N, and Tessa.


She looked at me, I could see she was suffering. I hated that Tessa and N kept a secret from me about Uzi.

"I trust you." I smiled.

I heard N's voice begging me to go on the elevator but I couldn't. Besides, he had Uzi. I trusted her to protect him and Tessa.

I just wish they told me what they said about her.

Though I'm happy I saved them, I'm scared. My heart was beating fast, doom was coming. I was alone. I felt tears appear on my visor due to how scary it was.

Was this how worker drones felt about me before I killed them?

I felt lost and hopeless, but I can regenerate! Though, the thought of the pain these raptors will bring me...I wish Beau was here, even if he did sacrifice himself. He was just a baby with no idea what was happening. At least that's what I believe.

I just needed someone.

I closed my eyes and saluted as the elevator dropped, I don't know if I want to die. Do I? Well maybe not "die" because I can be a way hopefully.

I sighed as I heard the raptors growl at me.

This is my fate? This is the "end"?

Is it?


The next thing I knew, I heard a voice in the distance. A familiar voice.

J's voice.


I opened my eyes to see J fly straight into a raptor and tear it to shreds in anger, yelling. The blood went everywhere.

"J?!" I said as she turned to look at me.

"You think I'd actually listen to Tessa while you guys were down here?"

I smiled at her.

I gotten my motivation to fight again and I helped J finish off these raptors. We slashed them and gave them wounds to remember...after they were dead. No mercy given.

I was happy I wasn't alone, dying alone is scary. Being alone is scary. But I won't because J is with me. Her and I.

After a while of fighting these damn raptors, J and I finally killed off the last monster, I sat down from exhaustion. J kneeled down next to me.

"So V, where did they go?" She asked.

"Elevator. I saved them." I pointed to where the elevator used to be, I hope they are okay down there. I hope Uzi is okay after that episode she went through. She looked as if she struggled between two personalities.

I really changed a lot.

"We need to find another way to go down there." I told her.

"Yes but you're injured V. And tired! We have to rest first in order to go do anything, besides, these raptors were hell." J sat next to me.

"Oh, speaking of raptors, Tessa tried to pet one." I giggled. "Causing her to get her hand bitten. "Bad Dingo!" she said."

"Classic Tess, she watches too many of those...dragon movies I forgot what it was called. She had a fictional crush on a dude named Hiccup?"

"How to train your dragon?"

"Yeah that one!"

We both laughed at our boss's actions. I'm glad I'm still alive, and it's all because of J.

"Hey, what did you do while up there?" I pondered to her. She sighed with boredom.

"Nothing really. It was boring and I was also getting worried because of that Doll but...I'm glad I came out here from my own boredom. Besides I needed action. Though I was pissed you sacrificed yourself, don't do that again!" She elbowed me and I chuckled softly. "It scared me!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm glad you came." I laid my head on her shoulder. "I was scared too, really. Of being alone that is."

I felt her pat my head, "After...all this mess is over with and Cyn is herself again...what do you wanna do?" J asked me.

"Settle down. Maybe start a life with you."

J blushed to that response, "D-Didn't you like N?"

"Yeah but he has Uzi. And I'm happy knowing he's happy with her." I smiled.

"Aw stop, that's too emotional for me." J rested her head on mine now. I felt my motors make a purr, I felt hers do the same.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

We coiled our tails together and held each others hands.

"Let's take a quick nap before we do a surprise ambush in saving them down there." J said to me. "Tessa ain't gonna do much if she has a bloody hand."

"Hehe, yeah. Can't wait to see their faces when they realized I lived." I laughed. "I'll scream it proud too! I lived bitch!"

J laughed, and as it died off, we slowly let sleep take over us. Happy I didn't die, happy I wasn't alone, and happy I managed to save my loved ones.



But don't worry, V is an effective drone and will get cloned or her bbg pookie J will save her 🤭

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