The Gala

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No, this is not the Gala where Cyn goes "ew humans, stab stab"

Also this is how I think they would actually declare their relationship


Tessa looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't feel any different. Even though she was all pretty and had her hair curled instead of in braids. Even though she had a beautiful, black dress on with a huge black bow tied to the back of it. Even though she had black gloves and black high heels, she didn't feel different.

"How do I look?"

She looked to J, V, and Cyn. They all gave a thumbs up.

"You look great, don't sweat it." J winked at her. "Besides, it's not like you're going to the Gala with a bunch of people."

"J..." V shook her head, then J realized and facepalmed.

"Sorry, well, you'll be all good! Allen will be there!"

"I know that but...there's going to be other people..." Tessa looked at herself in the mirror again. "Some the same age as me...some who might judge me..."

"Don't worry about that, Tessa." Cyn came up to her and put a hand on her hand. Even though it flopped awkwardly. She looked up at her. "You will be okay."

She sighed and gave a smile at Cyn, "Thank you, all of you. Now I must get going."

As soon as she said that, X, N, and K came into the room.

"I like your dress Tessa!" N came up to her, giving her a smile. Tessa patted his head.

"I swear, all of you are so nice." She looked to the door, then looked to N. "Where's Allen?"

"He's doing some finishing touches. Then he'll be good to go." K responded to her.

"Oh my...I hope I didn't overdo my outfit." Tessa started to fiddle with her hands. This happens whenever she overthinks too much. "I hope he likes my outfit."

"Relax! He'll love it." J patted her shoulder, K nodded in agreement with her older sister.

"Don't sweat it, he said to us that he was excited to see you." K told her. "He said he's also excited for you to meet his parents."

"His parents?!" Tessa looked at him, even more nervous than she was. J gave him a punch to his arm, in which K glared at her.

"What? It's the truth!"

"Stop making her more nervous, K!"

Tessa groaned, she wished she could be sleeping instead of going to the Gala. She wasn't ready to meet Allen's parents!

"Tessa? Are you ready?" Allen asked, peeking into her room.

"Yeah! Uh, yeah, sorry." She made her way to him. The rest of the drones followed them except for X and Cyn. She looked to them.

"You guys staying?"

"Yeah." X mumbled, Cyn nodded in agreement.

"Okay, just don't get out of the room okay? You, know, my parents and stuff..."

Then, they all closed the room door and left for the Gala.


Tessa was so nervous as she saw the people here. There were so many...she saw a group of girls her age too, along with other people. She felt Allen pat her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm going to get drinks okay? Stay here." He told her, she only nodded as he left her there.

Left her all alone.

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