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The guy ignored me, so I took the knife that was still by my side and pressed it to his throat. He opened his eyes lazily and looked at me. "You don't have it in you" He said. I tightened my grip. "I think we both know I'm capable of it. Now tell me. Why did you try to watch me die?" I ground out. His sudden strength overwhelmed me and he held my shoulders to the trees. His eyes bore into mine and his grip on my shoulders tightened. "Don't you dare threaten me" He snarled. I tried to move in defiance, but he held me down.

"I don't care what your little imagination comes up with to satisfy your curiosity. I will not relay answers to you" He spat. Anger rose within me and my hands began to twitch. "Why did you try to kill me" I said once more. He glared at me and looked to my stomach. I followed his gaze to the rip in the corset above my belly button. He moved his hand across the open skin and from his touch came a dark line. As soon as it was there, it was gone. I gasped. "What are you?" I asked. The only reply I got was darkness as I suddenly blacked out.

When I awoke, it was morning and the little bit of light that came from the sun told me it was still early. The guy with deep blue eyes looked at me and I remembered what he did. "We need to move" He said already removing the cover over where we came from. I watched him carefully as he moved down. I followed and dropped to the closest branch. "Why don't we just travel up there?" I asked. He shook his head no. "There's a creature who feeds on the little sunlight. If anyone stay's but there during the day, they are never seen again" He explained.

"Where are we heading to?" I asked. He ignored me and started to move swiftly towards the ground. "We will travel by the path today" He said swinging down. I tried to follow him at his pace, but he was too agile. I was still halfway down when he made his final jump. He started walking down the trail and I made my final jump. I had to chase after him before he disappeared. "We will travel underground to the coast" He said studying the ground. "Alright, where's the opening?" I asked. He studied the ground and then walked some more down the path. He turned into the woods and we maneuvered around trees until he stopped in front of one with a strange marking.

He traced his finger over the marking and it glowed. The bark shifted until a hole was visible. He stepped inside and disappeared. I looked around and finally gave in. I stepped into the tree and fell. The dirty ground slammed into my back and I screeched as I slid deeper and deeper into the ground. The air was hot and humid as I rolled to a stop. The guy with blue eyes looked down at me and his eyes began to glow. It was the only thing I was able to see in the pitch black tunnel.

"We are alone. We need to move" He said turning. Once he turned everything was dark and his steps echoed all around. "I don't know where to go or where you are!" I called, still brushing myself off. A hand found my arm and he pulled me in front of him. "Just keep walking" He said. I shivered from the knowledge of walking into the unknown. He brought me along and would turn my shoulders a certain direction when it was time to turn. We moved quickly and when we finally arrived, he stopped me. "Dig" He said in my ear. "What?" I asked incredulously. He shoved me to the ground. "Dig" He said sternly.

I began to move the dirt and dig. I kept at it until light poked through the hole. The dirt crumbled then and I fell. Waves crashed into the Cliffside below me and I screeched. The guy grabbed my hand and swung us both out of the hole and towards the cliff. I prepared to smack right into the side when I rolled on a floor instead. I took in deep breaths and saw glowing blue eyes standing above me. "Get up, we need to move" He said and walked away. I moved to get up, but a pain settled in my stomach. I held it and blinked multiple times. My fists clenched until the sudden pain was gone and I could stand. I followed him and emerged from the cave we swung into.

My jaw dropped at the sight. The trees looked normal except with the extending branches at the top with beautiful light green leaves. Nest type beds were camouflaged into the trees. It looked like colorful lights were floating around until I noticed they were drifting bugs. Light pink, yellow, orange, blue, and green glowed from the bugs and I felt like I was in a dream. "Wow" I said looking around. The glow from the bugs hid the bugs' entire body. The atmosphere was colorful, but cold. I wrapped my arms around myself and the guy noticed. "To be able to glow, the bugs have to take heat out of the air" He explained.

Labyrinth: Into the Malignant              Book 2Where stories live. Discover now