Over the Edge

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I blinked wildly as my senses came back to me. I was so confused. What had happened? I sat up and my eyes widened. I was sitting on a rocky cliff overlooking a raging ocean. My body shivered from the cold and my hair whipped around from the wind. The force of the winds made me feel like I would be thrown over the side of the cliff any second.

A small touch came to my upper arm and I fell back in fear. I gasped at the contact, but calmed when I saw my Intangible reaching towards me while resting on his knees. My hand was placed firmly over my racing heart while I calmed myself down.

"Where are we?" I asked over the roaring wind. "I had to get us out of the forest. The cliffs are our best bet" He yelled. I bit my lip and looked over the edge. A sudden glow caught my attention. "What's down there?" I asked.

"I've never seen them before, but I know they're known as the Water Walkers" He explained.

"Do we have to go down there?" I asked softly. The glowing streaks of blue made my stomach twist in nausea.

"If we take this path, we will make it to the castle two days ahead of when we were originally supposed to" He explained grimly.

"When would we arrive?" I asked. "Seven days" He answered. It was still so far away.

"Is there no other way?" I asked as the blue glow started to speed up as if it were anticipation of us.

"No, unless we want to run into angry bloody flower princes, we are going to go this way" He said standing up. "They can track us through the jungle with their ridiculous plants. We need to get away from plants and land. The water is our best bet" He added.

"I don't think I can" I said trying to scoot back. His eyes flashed with a strange emotion and I started to stumble over the rocks. I was getting away from the edge as quickly as I could. I wrapped my arms around my body and shook my head. I was not going over that edge.

"We need to go!" My Intangible called, but I ignored him. Instead of acknowledging him, I ran.

There was a sudden jerk to my body and I looked up to see my Intangible behind me. He held me to his chest and dragged me to the edge. I fought him relentlessly, but to no avail. My eyes were squeezed shut as I felt droplets of frozen water pelt my skin. Waves slammed into the cliffs and exploded upwards, causing me to cling to the boy. He was clearly annoyed, but I couldn't care less.

"Three... two... one" He whispers the last word and we fall off the side. I hold onto him as tightly as I could and waited until the claws of the freezing water droplets dragged us into the mouth of the sea. Wave after wave crashes over us sending our ragdoll of bodies spiraling all over the place. My lungs burn for oxygen and the glowing lights in the distance started racing towards us. I shoved my dizzy head into my Intangible's neck and fell our bodies drifting towards the bottom. I feel one last rush of a wave before impact on the cliffs. Everything went dark.

I felt a strange sensation on my wrists. My eyes were so tired, yet I knew I had to open them. My eyelids fluttered open and I was met with a dark cave with water dripping down the sides. Across from me was a doorway. Stone stairs were carved out of the rock of the giant cave. The stairs went down it looked like in a spiral from the little I could see. An orange glow illuminated the staircase and allowed me to see some of the cave I was in. My line of sight moved to my shackled wrists. The skin had been rubbed raw, and there was a line of dried blood down my arm. I was sure my physical condition wasn't so hot.

A movement caught my attention then and I saw my Intangible slumped about two feet away. He had blood, still wet, running down his forehead. He let out a soft groan as the pain woke him up. He looked around feverishly before his panicked eyes settled on me. I watched as he searched me for any injuries. He obviously found many, but said nothing, just watched.

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