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"Edoneon, when will you return to your kingdom? You were so enthusiastic to return and build your lands back" I looked over at one of my best friends and frowned.

"I can't, at least not yet" Jareth looked at me with an annoyed expression before pointing at the bed in front of me.

"Is it her?" He asked.

"The day I return to my kingdom I will be showing my wife her new home and I can't do that yet" Jareth shook his head and put a heavy hand on my shoulder.

"The day you claim your wife will be a widely celebrated day. I hope it comes soon"

I sat by Lyric's bedside. Her wings wrapped tightly around her body, shutting out the world. It had been weeks since the end of the war and she still hadn't shown her face. I pleaded with her in a one sided conversation to show herself to me, but she was tightly bound. I sat in the chair by her bed every day for a time until I was called away.

"It's me again. I'm starting to think you've forgotten me. Okay, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, a little boy was wandering in the castle gardens by his mother's grave. He missed her so much that he could hardly walk. He knew what happened to her, but no one else did. She was a beautiful woman who loved every person regardless.

"One day, the little boy's father met a woman who would make him happy again. The man married the woman, but the happiness he expected only brought pain. His second wife was snatched away. The father became wicked towards his sons. He staged a war that destroyed the entire kingdom. He left his son to die in the rubble with the rest of the kingdom, but he took his youngest son.

"The little boy was saved by a guard member in the once mighty kingdoms army. The skies turned dark from the burning houses and the lights in the boy's eyes dimmed. The boy had many trials and triumphs in his life, but his world was dark. It wasn't until he met another boy who said he would help that the boy had a glimmer of hope.

"Unbeknownst to the little boy, his father had put a block in the path to the kingdom and blamed his son. The boy was ridiculed and blamed for the blockage, but it wasn't his fault. In fact, the boy had no idea what was happening, but he was determined to right a wrong. The boy worked hard for years until he was trained to be the ultimate leader and warrior.

"Now a man, he led his people once again into a war after reuniting with his old friend. His friend was able to break the barrier with a girl that held his heart. After winning the war, the man spent years in his own ideas that rebuilding his fallen kingdom would settle his guilt, but it didn't. He was lost. He was lost until he met a girl with suffering as bad as his own.

"He wanted this girl to feel joy, not pain. He watched her suffer and cry from how cruel her life was. The man made a promise to make her happy. He promised to marry the girl to lessen her pain. He still has this promise and is fully willing to carry it out. All he wants is for the girl to be happy, but he wants to be happy as well. The only thing to make him happy besides the Great King is the woman who captured his heart. To this day he's been waiting for his love to wake up and see him standing with open arms to catch her and love her with everything in his being." I looked at the wings again hoping she would wake up, but there was no movement.

I stood up and touched her wing gingerly before turning and walking out of the room. He waited for no person when he passed by. The castle was still bustling with new comers as they flooded into the conference room to discuss the effects of the war. If it were up to me, I would refuse a seat, but as a leader I was required to sit and at least listen. The only place I'd rather be is by Lyric's bedside.

Labyrinth: Into the Malignant              Book 2Where stories live. Discover now