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I rushed into the castle with my father four steps ahead and my Intangible two steps behind me. The run back had been shortened, but it was still too long for comfort. Edoneon had gathered the people of the conference and led them to a place to stay until my grandmother was sorted. There was hope they were still alive when my Intangible said that he and Leneon had protected the group. The war had lessened significantly with the leader of the Malignant dead. The Guard had pushed the war into the Malignant and turned violent only when violence broke out against them.

Once we made it to the room, I noticed the bodies were dragged out, but the blood still covered the ground. My grandmother was laying on the bed with my mother standing over her. Both women looked worn in different areas. My grandmother was sewn up and gasping for air. She was pale and sweaty. I knew she didn't have long.

My mother was standing with Linthia on her hip and Pacen at her side looking down at our grandmother. Pacen held her hand as her breathing was slowing. Sina stood by my mother, holding onto the arm that wasn't holding Linthia. Desben, bloodied and tired stood behind Sina with his sleeping son in his arms. Leegan looked like he had a doctor fix his leg. He sat on the other side of the bed with his bad leg up on the bed and the other hanging off the bed. Tears filled Leegan's eyes as he looked down at his dying grandmother. Hedian sat by Leegan with tears rolling down his cheeks.

When Leegan saw my father, he moved out of the way for his dad to collapse at the bedside. "Mom" He spoke softly. I sat by Leegan with my Intangible standing behind me.

My grandmother opened her eyes and smiled weakly at my father. "My family is all here. This is how I wanted my time to pass. I must go join my husband now. He has been waiting for me and I will go with him to see the highest of all kings. Do not be sad about my passing dear children. I will be happy and whole where I'm going. I love each of you so very much" She put her hand on my father's face to wipe a stray tear.

"Mom" Sina leaned down and touched her mother's face softly. "I wanted you to be the first to know. I'm going to be having another child" A joyous statement was made very sad in the moment when my grandmother began to cry.

"My children are all grown. Every time I become a grandmother again is a day to celebrate. I hope your child will turn out just like you Sina, my beautiful daughter"

She turned to my father and touched his cheek "Jareth and Hedian, my boys you have turned into men your father knew you would be. I am so proud of you both for being so strong and compassionate. Go forwards in teaching your kids the ways you were taught and the ways that would make Him happy" My breathing got caught in my throat when my grandmother squeezed my hand. She touched each of us before giving another weak smile. Her eyes drooped closed and her breathing slowed to a stop.

People from every kingdom showed up to the funeral of the Queen. Mourning lasted for weeks afterwards with the reconstruction beginning, but not starting. My father was a quiet man for a while. He retracted into himself until my mother was able to bring him out. Hedian resorted to drinking with both his parents gone, but after my father was woken from his mourning he helped his brother. Sina cried often even with her emotional imbalance, but Desben was able to help her.

It's short... yeah. I thought the queen deserved a chapter to herself. Next update will be more informative. : )


Labyrinth: Into the Malignant              Book 2Where stories live. Discover now