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***Picture of Elliana's imprint above**


My eyes opened and I looked around. I was limp in someone's arms. Everything was coming back to me then and I gasped. Blue eyes met mine and the guy set me down. "I hate you" He seethed. My eyes narrowed into slits and my fingers twitched. My blood was boiling. "Then leave" I growled. "I can't" He was so mad I thought he was going to self destruct. "Fine, I'll make it easier for you" I whisper yelled.

I was pushing my sore body off the ground when he shoved me back down. "You can't leave either" He said. I looked at him confused. "Then keep your harsh words to yourself. My feelings are starting to be mutual" I hissed. He stared at me with an unreadable expression. "The safe house is just ahead" He grumbled. I stood up and keened against him from my weak state.

The guy's steps started to slow as he looked around. I watched him trying to figure out what he was doing. Right as the thought flashed through my mind, the ground disappeared and the boy pulled me to him as we dropped. My breath caught in my throat as we slammed into a net made of tightly packed leaves and we flew into the air before landing on the net again.

It took a moment to realize my eyes were closed and I opened them. It looked like we were in a bowl made of packed dirt and rock. The ceiling was lined with strange, blue, glowing creature like plants. They hung from the ground above our head like trees. Drips of liquid fell from their tips to the large trees on the bottom. It looked like the trees on the floor had glowing blue veins as the liquid moved through the black bark to the roots. The roots connected to roots from other trees and moved towards the middle of the strange underground.

"Tell me of the High Kingdom princess" A deep voice rumbled above us. I looked up and saw a ledge in the dirt. Light flowed from the pathway and masked the man's face. "I know why you're here. My brother contacted me before he was taken. Please, come" He said turning and taking long strides into the cave. "How do we get up there?" I mumbled to myself. "We climb" The boy scoffed causing me to roll my eyes.

When we reached the top after a rigorous climb on the wet rock, we walked into the light filled cave. My eyes adjusted and saw the candles hanging from the walls. It was a small cave and it seemed we had stepped into the kitchen and family room put together. "Sit" The man who looked exactly like Tecian said.

I sat at the table while the guy with blue eyes stood. The man sat down and ignored the boy standing against the far wall. The man slid a glass of water to me and I took a sip. "As you can tell, I am Tecian's brother Lecian. I was informed of the situation at hand, well many situations" He said looking to the boy, but he stayed deathly still with a distant glare. "Have you spoken with her?" The man asked. The boy continued his glare. "I see, well I would like to say that I will be here. It is very late, go rest. I regret to say I normally don't have guests, so I have no extra room. You are welcome to stay in this room, or out there. Either is safe" He finished. I nodded with a slight feeling of being upset at the fact I got no information.

It was now very dark and the only light was coming from the glowing blue trees on the top and glowing blue liquid running through the trees and ground below. I took to sitting on the ledge to think about what was happening, but every time I thought of something know, I was met with more questions. Every single question led to the boy with blue eyes. He was hiding something. He had disappeared into the forest below right after the short talk with Lecian.

My eyes began to droop when a rock hit my foot. I let out a small yelp before looking down to see the boy staring at me. "Come down, I need to talk to you" He mumbled with a frustrated tone. "Will you continue to throw rocks if I don't?" I asked trying to get him angry. It worked and he picked up another rock and threw it. It missed me purposefully. His aim adjusted to hit me between the eyes. "Princess, I'll make you target practice" He seethed.

Labyrinth: Into the Malignant              Book 2Where stories live. Discover now