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The cage was lined with thorns permitting the comfort of rest only in the company of pain. Lyric and I had been in separate cages for the past couple of days. I could tell Lyric's wing muscles were wearing thin by the sudden increase in sharp breaths from getting poked by the thorns. I wanted to reach over and hold her up to settle the discomfort she was feeling. The way I grew up forced me to forget I had a heart or any type of feelings besides anger and fierce determination, but Lyric had me cracking the hard feelings. I felt pity for the first time in so long.

Her face contorted into flashes of pain and sorrow to anxious and determined. I watched her for the past day to help me stay up and forget my own suffering. I flinched every time her delicate, yet rough skin brushed across a jagged thorn that sought to draw blood and release the feelings of hopelessness. Many times Lyric had cried out in pain and looked to me as if I would punish her, that's what confused me the most. Why would she expect a reprimand from someone facing the same fate as her?

For the entire time we were in the cages, the creatures that slither through the sea jeered us and looked in as if we were silly little pets running into walls. They poked us with their sharp spears to cause us to fly higher and touch the thorns on the top of the cage. They toyed with us. They claimed they would rip the feathers off my wings one at a time before feeding them to me. To Lyric, they threatened not only her innocence, but her many unique traits to be stripped from her like her fire and interesting scales that made your mind spin.

My attention was jerked away from my thoughts and Lyric when the door opened. In came the despicable man who caged us in the first place. An evil smirk crossed his face as his line of sight found Lyric and I. He was a horrific person. I wouldn't call him a man; I'd call him a monster. "My pets! How are you today? I do hope you are well. I have decided to be a nice master and allow you rest. Well, you will rest before tomorrow's events. Please, rest well, because if not, tomorrow will be so much more difficult. You will need your strength" He laughed a hideous laugh and walked to Lyric.

He unlocked her cage and shackled her wrists and ankles. I could tell by the way she stood that she was about to collapse, but stood strong in front of the leader. He caressed her cheek and played with her hair. Her growing discomfort made his smile brighten and his pull towards her grow. "Later" He whispered lowly next to her ear and I bit my tongue.

He moved to me next with a smug expression. "Don't think I know nothing about you. I know who you are and who you are from. It's quite upsetting your old man would allow his big bad son to suffer at the hands of me. You haven't fought yet, that's probably why he doesn't want you. You may look big, but there is nothing behind you. I bet you're still cold of a woman. Makes sense, can't even protect yourself. Such a waste" He patted my cheek and I felt my jaw clench. I forced myself to stay still; it wasn't worth the extra cage time. "Rest well" He exited the room, closing the door with an ear splitting crunch.

My arms immediately wrapped around Lyric as she dropped to the ground in exhaustion. I let her sit between my legs with her limp head resting on my chest. Her body shook with illness from the wet and cold conditions of our geography. Her skin was covered in goose bumps which surprised me. To not have her inner fire warm she was a very bad sign. I could tell she would not last long if I couldn't help her. I was unsure of her immune system strength, but if my body had been hot for as long as it was, she was bad off. I had been running a fever for a while; she might have a flu like illness.

I wrapped my wing around Lyric and her shivering stopped. Her unconscious form was so fragile despite her muscular build. She had been so strong for so long that it had taken a toll on her. It had taken a toll on me as well. We may have had different demons, but I had been well past introduced and acquaintances with mine, it seemed Lyric's inner turmoil was just settling. It was such an upsetting thing to see. She had such an inner fire and light about her with a healthy hesitancy, but now she was aware and experienced in the agony of life in the Malignant. It made me sad for her, but to be alive in general requires some hardships and struggles. It made me somewhat proud that she was taking her rather harsh predicaments and struggles with such power and determination.

Labyrinth: Into the Malignant              Book 2Where stories live. Discover now