Life with Pain

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Two Important Messages at the bottom! & check out my book Stuck in a Dream about my dreams/daydreams over the course of my life to see where my ideas come from!

"What do you want from us?" I demanded as the Wanderer's smile grew.

"Me? Well, if I were a normal Wanderer, I would be taking your life, but instead I'm going to offer you your life in exchange for helping me out" He extended his hand towards me. "If you wish to accept this deal, I believe this will work out quite well for the both of us. Follow me girl, we will discuss the details" When I didn't move, he looked around "You know, I could leave you here and allow you to be taken by another? I'm sure they won't let you continue very far" Edoneon stepped forward and pulled out a sword.

"Take us out of here" the Wanderer smiled and jumped backwards.

"Let us go then" I felt my Intangible come up beside me and wrap an arm around me.

We walked through the woods slowly as we followed the Wanderer. We had no idea what to do. "Oh, and don't fall for anything you might see. The pools can be very convincing. Don't look down" I stood closer to my Intangible and twisted my sword in my hands. "We must hurry" The Wanderer spoke in a rushed tone.

"Dream and I should take this place by air. Maybe we can find a way out" Edoneon said and Dream nodded. "We will come back if we see anything" The Wanderer nodded and the two jumped into the air with their wings lifting them off the ground. I watched the tree limbs extend towards them, but nothing was able to pry them away from their flight. Suddenly there was a snapped twig and I jerked in its direction.

I pulled away from my Intangible as a dark figure emerged and held up my sword. The creature sneered at me and charged. Before I lifted my sword, I saw its eyes were a black color instead of gold. I stuck my sword up slicing into the creature and it let out a scream. I looked up just in time to see Leegan look to me "Run! I'll handle these guys! I'll catch up!" Leneon stayed back with Leegan and my Intangible pushed me forwards.

Wanderer's rushed at me and I fought them off as we ran. My Intangible punched each one that came near us and they crashed to the ground in screaming pain until the poison took care of them. We rushed through the woods and the Wanderer took hold of our arms. I could see his eyes dimming, but there was still gold. He threw us down which turned out to be a hill and we went rolling down. The world was a void of spinning blurs until my body slammed to a stop.

I looked up and saw my Intangible had landed directly over a pool. He was staring directly at the water. "Move!" I screamed and he yelled in outrage. I could see the Wanderer try to pull at his clothes, but he wouldn't budge. I stood up on shaky legs and ran for him, but something yanked me down. I clawed at the ground towards my Intangible letting out murderous screams.

A tree had two limbs on me, one spiraling up each leg. I screamed for my Intangible, but he just slapped at the water which allowed it to take its hold on him. "No! Stop! Please stop!" I cried frantically as the limbs made it to my torso and down my outstretched arms. Tears fell down my cheeks as I watched him get pulled deeper into the water. He began to cry which made me sob. "Please come back!" I choked on my words as hands now touched my body.

The arms pulled me back and into a cold chest. "He's gone Princess, say goodbye" The voice made me scream, its breath was like acid on my skin. My Intangible slowly sunk deeper into the pool with shouts of my name and unmistakable sadness. The hands securing me to the body spread out over my stomach and its claws poked my skin through my shirt. "So warm...Let's see if I can fix that" The creature sighed ripping me away from my spot as soon as my Intangible went under the pools surface. My eyes suddenly became heavy and I felt the creature laughing bitterly. "That's it princess... sleep." I did.

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