Chapter 1

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"You can stop here." I tell the cab driver as I see Teller-Morrow Automotive up in the distance.

The middle aged man glances at me through his rear view mirror. "You sure? This isn't the address you gave me."

"No, I know. But this is actually where I need to be." I say as the car pulls to a stop on the side of the road.

He shakes his head, muttering under his breath. "Don't know what a pretty thing like you would want with a bunch of Sons."

I try to hold back a smirk as I hand him the cash I owe. 'If he only knew.' I think to myself as I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. "Thanks, again." I tell him, closing the door with a wave.

I begin the short walk to the repair shop, my white converse getting dusty from the red clay dirt on the side of the road. When I reach the front door, my heart begins to race. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

Walking in, a bell rings over the door, signaling my arrival. A man a few years younger than me looks up from the front desk and stares for a moment. "Can I help you?" He asks, catching himself.

He's wearing a cut but I can tell he's not part of the club yet. The only patch on his vest says PROSPECT. "Yea, I'm looking for Opie." I say. When I found his house empty, I figured he'd be here with the guys.

"Oh, well he's not here. He's dealing with some shit right now." The kid looks like he feels bad and I know he's talking about Donna.

I nod slightly, a frown forming on my face. "I know, I'm actually his-"

"Who's asking for Opie?" A female voice asks as it enters the office. Gemma.

Turning around slowly, I send her a grin, saying nothing.

"Well I'll be damned." Her face lights up when she sees it's me. "Welcome home, Princess." She says as she pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

Gemma turns to the kid behind the desk. "You know who this is, Half Sack?" He shakes his head quickly. "This is Tinsley Winston. Piney's daughter and Opie's baby sister. She's royalty around here, so you treat her like the Princess she is."

She doesn't even wait for his response as she hooks her arm through mine and pulls me toward the clubhouse. "Let's go show everyone who's back in Charming."

We skip the shop entirely and head around the side to the door the leads into the clubhouse. I find myself getting nervous, wondering if he'll be in there.

I relax when I see it's just Clay, my dad, and Tig. "Look who I found, boys!" Gemma calls out.

My dad makes his way over to me and holds me tight. "How's it hangin, Pops?"

"Better, now that you're here." He says, kissing my forehead. He lets me go, adjusting his oxygen, as I walk over to Tig and Clay.

Tig grabs me first, lifting me up into a bear hug. "Our Princess has returned!" I giggle as he spins me around. "How long you stayin' for, sweetheart?"

"Not sure." I answer as he sets me back down on my feet. "For as long as I'm wanted, I guess."

Clay greets me next. "It's good to see you back in Charming. Maybe you can straighten Jax out." He whispers as we embrace.

My heart races at just the sound of his name. "Oh, I doubt that, Uncle Clay." I chuckle as we pull apart.

"You're the only one he ever listened to." Clay says seriously.

Just then the door opens. "What's going on in here?" A voice asks and I freeze. It's him.


Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now