Chapter 4

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"I love you." Jax whispers as he holds me against him. I'm not sure if he means to say it or if he even wanted me to hear, but I do.

"Wh-what?" I stutter as I pull my head from his shoulder to look at his face.

He seems unsure as he stares at me with a tender smile. "I love you, Tinsley. I have for as long as I can remember. Since elementary school I think, maybe even longer."

"I was in second grade. A boy pushed me on the playground and you broke his arm. That's when I fell in love with you, Jax. I was seven and you were nine."

He grabs the back of my head and crashes his lips down on mine. It's an intense kiss, full of passion and need. One that's making up for almost 9 years of lost time.

"Stay in Charming." He says when we break apart. We're both out of breath and I don't know what to say. "You can't seriously be thinking about going back to Vegas." Jax continues after a moment.

"I have a life there, Jax. Responsibilities, I can't just leave. I only planned on staying for the summer." I explain.

It's hard for me to sense if he's more angry or upset, but this is hurting me just as bad. "I know you teach Kindergarten, but they can find a replacement for you." He tries to negotiate.

I didn't know he knew what I had been doing since I left home. "Did you check up on me?"

"I had Juice make sure you were ok and Opie told me some things. Plus we've got a charter down there." I can tell he's embarrassed that he's been caught snooping but it is kind of sweet that even after all this time he still cares.

"And what am I supposed to do back in Charming?" I ask

"Be with me." Jax says. "And Abel. You can teach here, the elementary school would be lucky to have you."

It all sounds so good but am I ready to dive headfirst back into this life? I know the answer before the question is even fully formed in my mind.


Jax even said it my first day back. 'You can take me out of Charming, but you can't take Charming out of me.'

"Damn it, Tinsley, I just got you back. I'm not letting you walk out on me again!" He kisses me with rough desperation and when he's done he rests his forehead against mine. "You can't tell me you don't feel that. Please, say something."

"Yes." I whisper. He grabs my chin, forcing me to stare into his blue eyes. "I'll stay."

Jax grins and I place a slow and gentle kiss to his crooked smile. It's not long before he turns the innocent kiss into something more.

His tongue is in my mouth, fighting mine for dominance and it's impossible to tell who is winning.

I have his shirt off in record time and my hands are fisted in his long blonde hair. He lowers me carefully onto the twin bed that was once his and begins to push the straps of my romper down my shoulders.

I'm reminded of John Teller's funeral. The day Jax and I lost our virginity to one another. We had been at the clubhouse for the wake when I found Jax crying in the back apartment. One thing led to another and we were each other's firsts.

The material is still covering my breasts when he breaks the kiss and sits up. "What's wrong?" I ask as I get up too.

He shakes his head and I pull my straps back up. "There's at least 50 people downstairs that could walk in on us."

"I'm surprised. Did you learn self control while I was gone?" I smirk at him.

Jax shakes his head at my smart ass comment. "With you, darlin'? Never. But I love Op almost as much as I love you and he needs us."

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now