Chapter 18

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I wake up in a dark room; my whole body is aching. Reaching up to touch the tender welt on my head I notice my hands are tied together with a thick rope.

I do my best to sit up, trying to take in my surroundings. Nothing looks familiar and the room begins to spin around me.

Feeling the bile rise up in my throat, I turn to the side just in time. The contents of my stomach spill out onto the concrete floor beside me.

Coughing, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. There's still blood smeared between my fingers and up my arms, it's also on the long purple dress I'm wearing. I can't be sure which is mine and which belonged to Kip.

Tears find their way down my cheeks as I think of the prospect who died trying to protect Abel and I.

The thought of Abel is sobering and I begin to shout. "Abel!" I try picking at the rope around my wrists but it's useless. "Where's my son? What did you do to him you son of a bitch?!"

The small door of the room is kicked open and a man, who is definitely not the one who took me and Abel, walks through it.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He ignores my question and approaches me with a needle in hand. He stabs it roughly into my arm. "Sweet dreams Crow Eater." Are the last words I hear before I black out.


In Abel's nursery, I've lost count of the joints I've smoked and bottles I've drank. I'm on the floor half conscious when Opie and Chibs pull me up roughly.

"We got some info on Abel." Opie says. "Laroy found a guy who made some ID for Cameron."

"Tinsley?" I ask.

"We don't know, Jackie boy." Chibs answers, saying what Opie can't.

"C'mon, shower." Op lifts me up and he and Chibs take me into the bathroom.

I lean up against the shower wall letting the warm water rain down on me; hoping it will wash away some of my pain.

Chibs has left the room to speak with Clay about our meet up with whoever made identification for Hayes. It's only me and Opie now.

"We'll find them." He says.

Wiping the water from my eyes, I shake my head and force the air from my nose. "How are you so sure?"

"I already lost Donna. There's no way in hell God would take my sister from me too."

I don't believe a word he says. "What makes you think there even is a God? Look at us Op, look at our lives. They're filled with death and destruction. Makes it kinda hard to believe there's some man up stairs lookin' out for us."

Opie stands from his seat on the toilet, shutting the shower off. "The second you lose faith is the moment you'll lose them both for good. Get out." He demands. "Let's see what this guy knows."

We meet up with Laroy and the document forger outside of Charming. "This the guy?" Clay asks.

"Yeah." Laroy nods, roughly shoving the man with glasses toward us. "Tell him what you know." He orders.

"Uh, I think I did some work for the Irishman you're looking for." He stutters.

Juice steps forward. "This him?" He asks, pointing to Cameron in a picture.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now