Chapter 27

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"Jackson! I need Jackson!" I grit out through the pain of the contraction ripping through my abdomen.

"I know, Princess, but you've got me and Lyla here with you." Gemma soothes as she pushes a sweaty strand of hair behind my ear.

As the contraction subsides I breathe in relief, already anticipating the next one. "I can't do this without him, Gem." I sigh, on the verge of tears.

"Sure you can." She says. "Look how much you've already done without him. You went to college, started a career, lived a whole life on your own. And since you've been back and he's been on the inside you've raised Abel and taken your rightful place in this Club as an Old Lady. You don't NEED Jax for anything, baby."

"Not the point, Gem." I groan as another contraction hits.

Lyla chuckles, gripping my hand as the doctor tells me it's time to push.


Abel and I are in the living room while Thomas naps down the hall. I'm sifting through the letters from Maureen Ashby while he colors at the small table in front of the TV.

A knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts and I quickly shove the letters into Thomas's diaper bag before going to answer it.

As I let Gemma into the house, I don't notice Abel pull one of the papers from the bag and begin to scribble across it in blue crayon.

"You guys about ready to go?" She asks as she steps into the kitchen.

I grab a bottle from the cupboard and begin to fill it with water. "Thomas is still asleep but I was about to get him." I pour two scoops of formula into the bottle and screw on the nipple before shaking it gently. "You're more than welcome to feed him if you want."

"Would I ever say no to that?" Gemma grins, taking the bottle from me.

"I'll get Abel ready." I smile, thinking of Jax. "I can't believe they get out today."

"It's been a long time coming, Princess. You deserve to have your family together." She leans in, pressing a loving kiss to my cheek. "Now go get, Abel. We'll head to the clubhouse once Thomas is done."

An hour later I'm standing in the courtyard waiting for the guys to pull into the compound. I'm rocking Thomas back and forth in an attempt to soothe him while Gemma chases after Abel.

My dad walks out of the clubhouse and makes his way to me and his grandson. "Hey." He says giving my arm a gentle squeeze before looking down at Thomas. "Hey." He cooes, rubbing his youngest grandchild's back.

I glance up at my father and he catches the uncertainty on my face. "History's dead, Princess. It's gotta stay that way." He says, referring to Maureen's letters.

I confided in him about them shortly after Jax was incarcerated, the information too much to cope with on my own.

Piney presses a kiss to my forehead before walking away. I look after him in surprise, still unsure as Gemma walks toward me.

"You ok?" She asks.

I nod. "Yeah. Just anxious."

"I'm proud of you." Gemma smiles and I know she means it. "It's not easy making things work when they're inside."

"I couldn't have done it without you." I say, resting my head against her shoulder.

She places a gentle kiss into my hair. "Wasn't just me. Was the whole club."

"Yeah. It's true." I agree, thinking of all the love and support I received from everyone while Jax was away.

"I love you." Gemma whispers.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now