Chapter 19

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"You're pregnant." Dr. Evans tells me.

I hear the words but they make no sense. "I'm what?"

"Pregnant." He says again.

"How?" I ask. My voice shaking slightly. The look the doctor gives me makes me backtrack. "No, I know how it happened. But how do you know?"

Dr. Evans takes the seat next to my bed. "Your lab results came back positive for the hormone hCG."

"Well what made you think I was pregnant?" My mind feels foggy and I notice the IV in my arm. I follow the clear tubing up to the bag, trying to read what's being pumped into me.

He turns to look at what's caught my attention. "Don't worry, it's just fluids. You're dehydrated." Dr. Evans grabs my hand in an attempt to comfort me. "You've been through a lot, Tinsley. What do you remember?"

I close my eyes and memories from the last few days flash through my mind. "Everything." I whisper.

He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "When you came in, you were almost dead. Your pulse was practically nonexistent due to the drugs your abductor was injecting you with. We ran a complete blood panel and toxicology screening, that's how we found out you're pregnant." Dr. Evans explains. "Luckily, your lacerations were all fairly superficial, we were able to treat them and you'll have minimal scarring."

I nod, trying to process everything he's just told me. "What about the drugs? Did they hurt the baby at all?" I ask, thinking about Wendy and how her drug use affected Abel.

"It's too soon to tell." He says. "But because of the minimal amount of times they were introduced into your body, we're hopeful they didn't."

"Ok." I sigh in relief. "Where's Jax?"

"He's not here right now." Dr. Evans looks uncomfortable and I know there's something he's not saying. "Your father and brother are in the lobby, I can grab them if you want."

I nod and he leaves to get my family. The door reopens moments later and Opie is at my side instantly.

"Jesus Christ." He sighs, looking over my worn out body. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I try to give him a smile but I know it comes out as more of a grimace.

"We thought we lost you, Tins." His face is pained as he leans down to kiss my forehead. "We're so glad you're alive."

He moves over to make room for our dad. "How you feelin', Princess?"

"I'm hangin' in there." I say, holding onto one of his and Opie's hands. "Where's Jax?"

The two men share a brief look before Piney nods his head. "He's in jail." Opie mumbles.

"What?!" I shriek but the sound makes my head pound and I cringe. "Why aren't you trying to get him out?"

"We talked to Unser. Legally he had to stay overnight; he'll be out as soon as the duty day starts." My dad explains.

I check the clock on the wall, squinting to make out the hour hand. It's a little after six in the morning. Jax will be released in less than an hour.

We sit in silence, watching the news. The five day forecast says it will be beautiful in Charming but the weather doesn't reflect my mood.

My mind races as I debate whether or not I should tell Opie and my father that I'm pregnant.

I decide against it as the door is pushed open and Clay sticks his head through. "Hey, you're awake. You feelin' up for one more visitor?"

I nod, waving him in, and check the clock once more. 6:29.

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