Chapter 10

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I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and know tonight will be nothing but trouble.

My hair and make-up is done dramatically and I know that I want to impress Jax even though we're not together.

I walk into the living room to see my dad playing Monopoly with Kenny and Ellie. He looks up when he notices me. "You're gonna break a lot of hearts looking like that, Princess."

"Hopefully just one." I retort.

"You and Jax doin' ok?"

"Are we ever?" I roll my eyes.

My dad shakes his head and chuckles. "Lord help that boy. I'm not sure what he did to piss you off but I definitely wouldn't want to be in his shoes tonight."

Opie walks through the front door before I can get out another sassy remark.

He looks me over and then asks, "You ready?"

"Yea. Where the hell have you been?" I snap.

"Club shit. Jesus, what the hell did I do?" He asks, looking to Piney for help.

Our dad doesn't even try to hide his amusement. "Oh no, son." He's full on laughing now. "Tinsley is all yours."

"Thanks Dad." Opie pulls a face and then turns to me. "C'mon. We'll take the car. You can't ride in that." He says looking over my outfit.

"What's wrong with how I'm dressed?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well I wasn't gonna say anything, but I'm pretty sure that's meant to be a shirt, not a dress." He smirks.

"Fuck off." I grumble and push past him.

The car ride is silent until we're stopped at a red light, about 5 minutes from Cara Cara. "You gonna tell me what's up?" Opie asks, shooting me a sideways glance.

I don't know if I want to go into this with my brother but I decide letting it out might bring me some peace.

"Jax had some porn slut on the back of his bike this afternoon."

"That explains your attitude." Op smiles. "He's gonna need an angel to save him from you tonight."

"They both will." I mutter, crossing my arms like a spoiled child. I hate that I'm jealous but I just can't help it.

My brother grins as he pulls into the parking lot. "I'll have an ambulance on standby."


We enter the party and immediately separate. I keep an eye on Tinsley from across the room. She's talking to a pretty blonde, it's obvious she's a porn star, but the two seem friendly enough so I know this can't be the girl that was with Jax earlier.

I take a seat in an empty director's chair and before long Jax sits in the one next to it.

"Crazy, huh?" He asks, looking around at the chaos of the party as he hands me a beer.

"Thanks." I say and nod in agreement.

There's a beat of silence before he speaks again. "Heard you went a little cowboy at that Mayan thing a few weeks ago. Then the thing today with the explosives..." He trails off.

I feel myself growing defensive. "I don't have a death wish, man."

He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head in disbelief." You got something going on."

"I've got the club. Just throwing myself into it." I explain, not caring what Jax thinks.

"You got kids, Op. Don't throw yourself too far." He says. "It's not fair to them or your sister. You've got Tinsley watching them around the clock so you can fill Donna's void by playing vigilante."

Now I'm pissed. "You wanna talk about what's not fair to Tinsley? What about you, brother? She's been raising your son since the day she got back and then you dump her. Seems to me you're just as guilty here."

Jax opens his mouth to argue but closes it when he realizes what I've just said is the truth.

I'm not interested in winning or losing this fight with my best friend so I sit back and sip my beer. He does the same and we sit in comfortable silence until I'm distracted by a confrontation between two women.

It's Tinsley and a new blonde. Their discussion looks heated and before long my sister is up in the girl's face.

I tap Jax on the knee and point to the girls.

"Oh shit." Jax curses as he gets up to put a stop to the impending catfight.


My conversation with Lyla is interrupted when the bitch from earlier comes storming over to us.

"What are you doing here? This is a closed party." She sneers before continuing. "If you're looking for Jax, he's got all he can handle tonight, so don't worry."

"Yeah, I'm sure he does." I reply, standing my ground.

The girl comes closer, trying to intimidate me. "I said get out, bitch. What part of that is so complicated?"

I've heard enough from her cock sucking mouth so I close the gap between us, getting so close to her that our noses touch. "Get out of my face." I threaten, my voice dangerous and low.

At this point, Jax is present. He grabs the blonde by her shoulder pulling her back from me.

"Tinsley." He says. "I'll take care of this. Why don't you go wait outside?"

"I don't think so." I glare at him.

"He's occupied, honey. You should wait outside like you were told." She smirks.

Jax gives her an apologetic look, knowing he can't save her from my anger now.

I take a deep breath, staring her down before my arm rears back and I punch her square in the nose. Then I take off for the bathroom, leaving a smiling Jax standing there.

I lean over the sink trying to calm myself down when the door opens.

"Tinsley." Jax calls as he leans through the doorway.

"I'll be out in a minute." I snap, still shaking from the anger.

"Don't let 'em get to you." He says as he closes the door and stands in front of me.

"Do they get to you?" I ask.

Jax shakes his head. "Look, you know how this goes. It's business. They're just..."

I cut him off before he can continue, slapping his chest with both hands and pushing him away from me.

We stare at each other for a moment and before I know it, I'm ripping his shirt open and kissing him roughly.

He kisses back as he leads me backward into the sink. Lifting me up onto the counter as he unbuckles his pants and shoves them down to the floor.

My dress is hiked up around my stomach as he enters me quickly. I grip onto his hair as he kisses my neck and continues to thrust.

The door opens and Ima walks in. She's clutching the bloody nose I gave her but freezes when she sees Jax and I having sex.

I send her a smirk as she just stands there in horror before turning around and leaving the room.

"No one gets to me like you." Jax whispers in my ear and I kiss him again, letting all thoughts of Ima leave my mind.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now