Chapter 9

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My eyes flutter open and I see harsh light coming through the closed blinds of the window. It's morning and I notice the space beside me is empty.

When my head is clear of the fog that comes with waking from a deep sleep, I turn to my left and see Jax through the small window in the door. He's talking to a man.

It takes me a moment to realize I recognize him. He's the doctor the club buys off to help with the various medical situations they often find themselves in.

They talk for several more minutes before Jax re-enters the room. "Hey darlin'. How're you feeling?"

"Better." I'm still sore but the intense stabbing pain in my head has subsided to a dull throb.

Jax sends me his signature lopsided grin and I can't help but smile back. "I got Dr. Evans to discharge you this morning. He's getting the paperwork now, you should be out of here within the hour."

"Jackson Nathaniel, I hope you didn't threaten that poor old man." I laugh, but part of me is genuinely curious.

"Me?" Jax feigns innocence. "Never!" He's serious as he continues. "No, he said you could go home as long as you take it easy for a couple of days. You'll be more comfortable in your own bed."

"That's true." I agree and Jax sits down beside me.

He pulls me into his chest and we sit there in silence for a moment as he holds me close. We're both just enjoying the comfort of one another, relieved that I'm not going home in a body bag.

Jax presses a kiss to my temple. "I'm gonna head home and grab my truck. You shouldn't be on a bike yet. I'll be back before you're ready to leave."

I nod as he gets up to go, immediately missing the comfort of him wrapped around me.


I'm gone all of 20 minutes and when I return to Tinsley's room, all I see is red.

Weston, the skinhead asshole that Clay warned me about, is in the room with her.

He's got her wrists pinned down on her lap with one hand, and the other is stroking her bruised and stitched cheek. I can see her struggling against him, but despite the fight in her, she looks terrified as he whispers something in her ear.

"Get your fucking hands off my old lady." I threaten.

Weston glances at me and an easy smile covers his face as he turns back to Tinsley. "I heard about your accident, I'm glad you're ok."

He still hasn't released her and I've had enough. I stalk towards him and grip the hand that's restraining her wrists. He lets go immediately and I grab the collar of his shirt dragging him outside. When the door's closed, I shove him against the wall. "If I see you anywhere near Tinsley again, I'll kill you."

Weston says nothing and I have to let him go when a family enters the waiting room. He quickly leaves, using the distraction to his advantage and I try to calm myself before going back to Tinsley.

She's been back less than a week and already the Club is putting her at risk. It makes me sick.


Jax opens the door and I know he's trying to hide his anger. But with one look at me, the fury is gone and worry is in its place.

"What the hell was that?" He asks. "Did he hurt you?"

I shake my head, absentmindedly rubbing at my wrists. They're red but I feel no pain.

Jax grabs them, placing them to his lips. "What'd he say to you."

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now