Chapter 23

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Jax is updating the family about Abel when I come downstairs the next morning.

As I enter the room there's a pause as everyone shifts to look at me. "Sorry." I apologize, shoving my hands down in the pockets of Jax's old sweatpants.

I say nothing else as I slink fully into the room, dropping down onto the empty couch cushion beside my brother.

"Kellan says he moved Abel out of Belfast to protect him. From Jimmy." Jax continues.

Gemma crosses her arms in confusion. "Why? What does Jimmy want with Abel?"

"Leverage." Jax explains. "Against what Kellan wants from us; which is Jimmy. Dead. Apparently, he's become a problem for the Army."

Gemma is quick to respond. "Then we kill Jimmy."

"It's not that simple." He shakes his head.

She disagrees instantly. "Yeah, it is."

"No! It isn't!" Jax shouts, effectively silencing his mother. "Look, everything they say is-- it's, like, smoky truth. I don't trust them. I don't trust their priest. The only thing we know for sure is he wants Jimmy."

"So find Jimmy and trade him for Abel." I speak up, unable to keep my mouth shut any longer.

Clay nods at my suggestion. "I think that's the only thing that makes sense."

Jax locks eyes with me and I'm unsure whether the pain in his gaze is from the loss of his son or what happened between the two of us the night before.

The guys start discussing a gun run that SAMBEL has planned for the day. Apparently Jimmy will be at the pick-up spot. The club decides it's the perfect opportunity to get some answers from O'Phelan.

Clay wraps an arm around Gemma and turns to his brothers, instructing them to get some rest. "You'd better crash for a few hours. It's gonna be another fun-filled day in the six counties."

He asks his wife if she's coming with him and she shakes her head, saying she'll be there in a minute.

Everyone files out of the cramped living room in order to get a couple hours of sleep.

Opie doesn't move. He takes my hand and brings it up to his mouth, gently placing a kiss to the back of it.

"You slept with me last night. That could only mean one thing." He says.

I glance at Jax who seems to be arguing with Gemma. "He knows." I say. "And we ended things."

"Shit." Opie sighs, pulling me into his side. "You ok?"

I rest my head on his shoulder and decide to be honest. "No." I pause before continuing. "But we didn't fight; we just decided we don't belong together anymore."

Jax storms out of the room, leaving a frustrated Gemma in his wake, and Opie watches him leave.

"Go." I say. "Talk to him. I'll be alright."

My brother stands from the couch and presses a kiss to my forehead before following after his best friend.

It's much later in the afternoon when Chibs corners me in the kitchen. "You got a moment, Princess?"

"I've got two for you, Uncle Chibs. What's up?"

"You and Jackie Boy ain't together anymore are ye?" It's more of an accusation than a question.

I freeze, disliking the direction this conversation has taken. Shaking my head, I take the seat across from him.

"Why not?" He asks once he's sure he has my attention.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now