Chapter 21

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It's just after sunrise when I walk into Gemma's room the next morning. She's awake, but handcuffed to the bed.

"I got here as fast as I could." I tell her.

"We need to talk, Princess. Jax told me everything."

I nod my head in silent agreement, dreading telling her I'm leaving Charming again.

"He knows." She says.

I frown. "Knows what?"

"About Amelia."

"Perfect." I sigh, sinking down into the chair at her bedside.

Her face softens. "What's going on with you two?"

"After everything with Abel and then my abduction; tensions were high." I explain. "Me running off to help you with Nate didn't help either. He specifically told me not to go, but I did anyway. Then when I said I wanted to go with everyone to Canada to find Abel, he lost it. We got into it and broke up."

Gemma's eyes widen. "You didn't."

"We did." I say. "I was actually on my way back to Vegas when I found out you were in the hospital."

She closes her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and other fingers. "Things have changed. Abel isn't in Canada. Cameron Hayes took him to Belfast."

"He's in Ireland?" I gasp.

Gemma nods.

"Well that doesn't change the fact that I came back here for you, not Jax."

"Talk to him, Tinsley." She says. "You need to work this shit out for Abel's sake."

I shake my head. "Jax doesn't want to talk and he sure as hell doesn't need me; he's made that very clear. I'm better off in Nevada."

"No." She disagrees. "That's a bad idea."

"You know our relationship, Gem. It's toxic." I sigh. "I thought you, more than anyone, would understand why I have to get out of this place."

The stress of the situation is getting to me and I feel my emotions begin to take over.

"We're going to need you in Charming. If Jax goes away for that church assault, and I'm God knows where, someone has to take care of Abel. There's no one I trust more than you. You'll be a good mom, you already are."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut and I start to cry. I can't control the tears as sobs wrack my entire body.

Gemma looks at me in shock; unsure of what she's said that's made me react like this.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry." I say and begin to laugh; the hormones completely taking over. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

"How far along are you?" She asks.

I freeze but there's no point in lying; Gemma knows me better than I know myself. "Six weeks."

"Does Jax know?" She asks.

I shake my head. "With everything else going on, it didn't make sense to tell him."

She sends me a pointed look. "You're quite the secret queen lately."

"Yeah, well, I learned from the best." I snap back.

"Like mother, like daughter." She chuckles.

"That's it?" I ask, shocked. "No lecture? No demanding I tell him the truth?"

Gemma's face is serious as she looks to the handcuffs keeping her restrained. "I'm not exactly in a position of influence."

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