Chapter 16

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"That son of a bitch took our girls. Raped Gemma and tried to do the same to Tinsley." Clay explains from the head of the table. His voice is even but the anger is obvious. "They've done enough to this club and now we're putting a stop to it."

I feel Opie's glare and when I meet his stare I shake my head. "Why didn't you tell me?" He hisses.

"I didn't know." I try to explain. "She and my Ma hid it well. I just found out last night."

He doesn't want an explanation. "You should have called me, then." He shouts. "How could you let this asshole touch her?! You're supposed to protect her!"

Now I'm angry. "I didn't LET him do anything!"

"She's my sister!" Opie gets up from his seat at the table.

I stand, not allowing him to challenge me. "And she's my Old Lady!"

"Blood's thicker than water." He says.

A scoff finds its way from my mouth and I shake my head in disbelief. "Not always." I say, reminding him of his betrayal all those years ago.

We're inches away from one another now and Clay and Piney share a glance. "Opie." Piney warns, calling off his son.

Clay looks between the two of us as Opie backs down, taking his place. I sit, only once he's fully seated. "We're brothers. We're all on the same team. We don't fight one another." Clay says.

We spend the next fifteen minutes coming up with a plan for retaliation. Clay and I are finally in agreement that we need to show restraint, any kind of force will get us thrown back in jail. So we decide to find a weakness and use it to unravel them.

When the doors to church are opened after the meeting, I see Tinsley with Abel. They're sitting on a large quilt on the floor of the clubhouse stacking play cups of different sizes. Once Tinsley has a tower of about three high, Abel knocks it over with a giggle.

Opie storms out into the room and grabs his sister's arm as the rest of the guys head out to handle their business.

Tinsley grunts as she's roughly pulled up to stand beside him. "Jesus, Ope. You could have torn my arm off." She grumbles as she rubs her shoulder.

The exchange between the siblings makes me uncomfortable and I move to join them, wanting to stop Opie from being so rough with Tins.

Piney stops me. "Let them work it out." He says with a firm grip on my shoulder. We watch the two from the doorway.

"What the hell happened that night?" Opie hisses.

Tinsley's face falls and she shakes her head. "Op, please don't."

"You have to tell me." He says.

I can see the tears starting to pool in Tinsley's eyes as my son crawls over to her. He grabs onto her leg and pulls himself up.

Tins bends over to pick him up and places him on her hip before facing her brother again. "I'm sure Clay told you everything you need to know."

Opie's hand goes to his face and he pinches his forehead on either side of his eyes. "So it's true?" He whispers.

"It's true." Tinsley nods.

Her brother pulls her into his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her. "Why would you leave on your own?" He asks. His voice is soft but Piney and I can still hear everything that's being said. "You know the way our world works. It isn't safe for you to be alone when you're with one of us."

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