Chapter 6

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I get to TM Automotive about 30 minutes later. Hauling Abel in his car seat toward the clubhouse, I see my dad pull up in his old car with Ellie and Kenny in the back.

"Hey guys." I stop as they get out of the vehicle once it's parked.

"Hi Aunt T." They reply in unison.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask.

Kenny just shrugs his shoulders and Ellie says nothing. I know today is going to be rough.

Starting to walk again, they follow after me. "Let's go inside. We'll figure something out."

The three of us, plus Abel, enter the clubhouse. The doors to Church are closed and the blinds on the windows have all been pulled shut.

I've just gotten Abel out of his seat and on my hip when a door slams and Jax storms out into the main area of the clubhouse. He catches my eye but doesn't say a word as he keeps walking out into the parking lot.

Shortly after that Opie also exits the clubhouse. He leaves without acknowledging any of us and I hear the tires of his bike peel out on the asphalt as he goes.

Turning to my niece and nephew, I tell them I'll be back. "I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't be gone long. If you need anything have Half Sack help you."

They flop down onto the lumpy couch looking defeated. Their sad faces break my heart as I follow after Jax.

"What happened?" I ask when I find him seated on a metal picnic table nearby.

"Between trying to get guns so the club can make money, getting Bobby out of jail, and Clay's bullshit; it's just been a fucked day."

"It's only 10:30." I tease, trying to lighten his mood.

Jax shakes his head, letting the smallest crooked smile wash over his face. He reaches for the arm that's not supporting Abel on my hip, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me into him. "Come here."

Because he's sitting and I'm standing, we're almost the same height. He rests his head against my shoulder, breathing in my scent.

"How can I help?" I ask in all seriousness.

"Just having you back is enough." He lifts his head to look me in the eye. Jax reaches up to place a quick kiss to my lips before taking Abel from me. He sets him on his lap and plays with his tiny hands.

I watch them for a moment before I'm reminded of something. "What's the deal with Opie?" I ask.

"He took off. Said he needed to ride solo for awhile." Jax explains.

"For how long?" I frown. "He just walked by me and the kids and didn't even say goodbye. My brother can shut me out all he wants but he can't take this out on Ellie and Kenny."

He shakes his head. "Op didn't say. But I know he won't leave until this afternoon. Tig and I are helping him make a hit on a Mayan. He thinks it's retaliation for Donna."

"Oh my God." I run a hand through my messy hair. "Does this asshole at least deserve it?"

Jax gently grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. "I made sure of it." He promises.

"Why the fuck is Tig going too? He doesn't need to be anywhere near Opie right now."

"I know." He says, trying to comfort me. "But Clay okayed it. Wasn't my call."

"Of course he did." I huff in frustration.

Jax gives my hand a squeeze. "Hey. I promised I'd make this right, and I will."

"I know." I say as he stands.

We walk back toward the garage and clubhouse. When we're outside the door Jax gives me a kiss. "I have to get to work. I love you."

"I love you too."

We part ways and as I enter the building, Clay is leaving. "Hey Princess, thanks for taking care of the kids today. The Club's goin' through some shit right now and we really appreciate the help." He says.

"Yea, I can tell you and Tig are really taking Donna's death hard."

It slips out before I realize what I've said. The look Clay gives me is one of warning but he says nothing else as he leaves.


I'm working under the hood of a Jeep when Clay comes into the garage.

"We need to talk." He growls, grabbing the collar of my work shirt as he drags me into the office.

My mom looks up from the computer as we enter. "Get your hands off me." I shout, roughly pulling out of his grasp.

"Tinsley fucking knows!" Clay yells.

"Oh, shit." Gemma sighs, resting her head in her hands.

"You've got your old lady too involved in club business. It won't end well for her." He hisses.

"Clay." My mom warns, instantly protective of Tinsley.

I am livid. "Don't you dare threaten her." My voice is even and dangerous.

"You better be real careful how you navigate around this one." He says.

"Or what? You gonna put a bullet in the back of our heads too?"

Clay glares at me before storming out of the office. He slams the door behind him. The force of it makes the blinds on the window rattle.

"I'm not gonna let him get to Tinsley." I turn to my mom.

She gives me a tender smile. "He'd never hurt her, Baby, you know that."

"That's the thing, Ma. I don't know that." Gemma pulls me into a motherly hug. "She knows the truth about Donna but she also knows what it would do to Opie. She won't say anything to anyone." I say.

"Tinsley will protect the Club, she's family. I know that and so does Clay, but I'll talk to him anyway. Nothing's going to happen to her." She promises.

When I walk back into the garage, Tinsley is leaning against the Jeep waiting for me. "I messed up." She whispers.

I already know what she's talking about. "Don't worry about it." I reassure her. "People knowing about Clay's mistake holds him accountable, maybe it will bring him back from his power trip."

"I hope you're right." She says, wiping at some grease that's smudged on the tattoo on my forearm. "I'm taking the kids to the park and then for lunch. You want anything?"

"Naw." I pull her close. "I gotta meet Opie and Tig in about 10 minutes. Not sure how long it'll take."

"Be careful." Tinsley says as she leans up to kiss me.

I kiss her back, hard. "Always am, Babe. I'll call you when I'm done and we can figure out a plan for tonight."

"Alright." She nods. Tinsley turns and before she can leave, I playfully slap her ass.

She jumps in surprise and spins around. The smack echoes throughout the garage and earns whistles and catcalls from the other guys.

"Dammit, Teller. What am I gonna do with you?"

I smirk. "Guess you'll have to teach me a lesson."

She narrows her eyes at me and starts to walk away. "You're lucky I love you." She calls over her shoulder.

"Yes I am." I say to myself with a smile.

Putting my things into the toolbox on the wall and slamming the Jeep's hood down, I get ready to leave.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now