Chapter 8

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Consciousness begins to return and I realize I'm now laying on the hard ground. A rough blanket has been thrown over my body and my clothes are still off.

"Princess?" My weak voice calls out. No response.

Everything hurts. I slowly look to my right. Her body is where I remember it being and she's still out cold. The small pool of blood beneath her head makes me nervous.

"Gemma? Tinsley? Anybody in there?" I hear someone looking for us and I know it's Unser.


"Oh my God." The color drains from his face as he takes in the scene before him. Me, naked on the ground and Tinsley, unconscious, swimming in her own blood.

"Get us out of here." I beg.

Unser tries to help me sit up but I push his hands away. "Tinsley first."

He kneels down beside her and sucks in a sharp breath, shaking his head. I can only imagine how bad she looks up close. "Is she..." Unser trails off. He can't bring himself to say the word dead.

I shake my head. "I don't think so. But she's been out for awhile and looks like she's lost a good amount of blood."

"Gemma." He says, giving me a pained expression. "She doesn't look good."

"Tinsley's fine!" I shout. "She has to be." I add in a whisper.

Unser checks for a pulse and must find one, because his shoulders relax ever so slightly. "We've got to get her help."

"Take her to your car. I'll get dressed and meet you out there."


Tinsley is laying across the backseat of my squad car and Gemma is up front as I drive toward St. Thomas.

"How'd you know we were there?" She asks.

"I heard it over the radio. Recognized the description of the car." I answer.

"Anonymous tip?" Gemma rolls her eyes. I'm amazed that even in this condition, she's snarky.

I ignore her question. "You gotta tell me something here, Gemma."

She, in turn, ignores mine. "Where are you going?"

"St. Thomas. Got to get you to the hospital." I tell her.

"No hospital." She demands. "I'd have to check in. The insurance and shit, everyone will know."

I glance through the rear view mirror at Tinsley. "Gemma. She'll die."

This sobers her up quick. "Ok." She agrees. "But I'm not saying shit to no one."

"We got to tell Clay." I try to reason with her.

She shakes her head. "Not Clay. Not Jax. No one."

"Alright." I sigh. "I won't say anything. But they're gonna see your face. And how in the hell are we going to explain Tinsley?"

"Say it was a car accident." A weak voice calls from the back seat.

Relief floods my soul hearing Tinsley awake. "Princess? How you feelin', sweetheart?"

"Not good, Wayne."

I can tell she's fighting the wave of unconsciousness that's threatening to take her again.

"Hang in there, baby. You're gonna be just fine." Gemma says, looking at Tinsley like she's her own flesh and blood.


Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now