Chapter 2

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The room is filled with floral arrangements. Books filled with caskets cover the desk and paperwork is everywhere. In two chairs to the right are my niece and nephew. They're holding on to one another, tears falling from both of their eyes. My heart clenches as I make my way over.

I kneel down in front of them. "Hey guys." I whisper. They throw themselves into me, almost knocking us to the ground. "It's gonna be ok, I promise." I soothe as I hold them tight in my arms.

After a few minutes their tears begin to slow and I pull back, kissing them both on the cheek. "Why don't you and your dad get out of here. I'll take care of everything else."

"You don't have to do that." Opie says as the kids and I stand, I'm still holding each of their hands.

"Let me do this, Op. Take them to the diner for some comfort food and then get them home, they've had enough." I say, looking around at all the things in this room which are only reminders of their mother's death.

"Ok." He nods. "Thanks, Tins." He pulls me and his children into a tight hug.

"Let Gemma and I get everything together. You won't have to do anything else." I tell him.

He gives me an apprehensive look. "I know how Gemma is with planning things, she means well, but you have the final call."

I know what he's trying to say and I give my brother a small smile. "Don't worry, Opie. I won't let Gem pick anything out, I'll make this perfect for Donna."

"I trust you. Give me a call when you finish up here and we'll pick you up."

"Actually I don't have my phone. I must have left it at the clubhouse." I say, patting my back pockets to make sure it isn't there.

Opie shoots me a look, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. He pulls his cell phone from his pocket and hands it to me, then wraps his arms around the kid's shoulders and leads them to the door. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too. Bye guys." I send them a reassuring smile, knowing I'll have to be strong for the three of them.

"Bye, Aunt T." Kenny and Ellie say together.

As they leave, I turn my attention back to the desk behind me and notice for the first time that there's a lady seated behind it. "Sorry about that ma'am. I'm Tinsley Winston." I say, reaching out to shake her hand.

"The little sister right?" She asks, pushing her reading glasses onto the top of her head.

I nod. "Yes ma'am."

"My name is Carol." She gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." I say.

"Your brother filled out paperwork for the death certificate and designated that Mrs. Winston had wished to be buried, but that's all we were able to get through. That leaves scheduling a viewing here at the home, reserving the service at the cemetery, the casket, interior for the casket, floral arrangements, finding photos for memorial posters, creating the pamphlets for the service, and a few other small things."

I take a deep breath, attempting to steady myself. "Let's get started."

A little over four hours later we've finished everything that can be done today and I'm spent. I'll have to go through pictures tonight and bring them back in the morning, but besides planning the wake, everything is pretty much finished.

"Thank you for everything, Carol." I call over my shoulder as I leave the office.

Sitting down on the front steps, I take out Opie's phone. Instead of calling the house, I find Jax's number and press send, holding it up to my ear.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now