Chapter 22

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I'm on the cargo plane waiting for everyone else to arrive. It's early but I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm anxious to get to Belfast. To Abel.

After what feels like forever, Gemma, Clay, Jax, and the rest of the Sons board the plane.

Jax and I make eye contact as he walks through the cabin door and I'm desperate not to be the first to look away.

Neither of us are backing down as Gemma gives her son a hard nudge in the ribs. "Go talk to her." She hisses.

"Looks like you got here alright." He mumbles as he hesitantly takes the hard seat beside me.

I nod in response.

"You leaving your car in the parking lot?" He asks and I can hear the judgement in his tone.

"No." I shake my head; voice firm. "I took a taxi. Had them drop me off at the main terminal and then walked to the cargo terminal. I paid in cash and made sure no one followed me. I'm not an idiot, Jackson."

He holds his hands up in mock surrender. "Never said you were."

"I don't want to fight with you." I sigh.

"Then don't." He shrugs. "But you need to get shit straight in that head of yours."

I flinch at his tone. "Jax." I hate the whiny tone to my voice as he gets up from the seat beside me and walks away.

It's not long before Gemma takes the spot Jax left empty. "You should tell him."

"Don't start, Gem." I frown. "All I'm worried about is finding Abel."

She knows better than to try and lecture me so we sit in silence for several minutes before she leaves me to rejoin Clay.

I fall into a dreamless sleep as we fly cross-country and over the Atlantic.


The flight lasts 10 and a half hours and Tinsley sleeps through most of it.

She's still asleep as we make our final descent into Belfast. The rough landing is the only thing that wakes her.

I watch as she looks around, startled, trying to place where exactly she is; but stop staring before we can make eye contact.

When we get off the plane, the Belfast charter is waiting.

They let us ride their bikes to the MC compound while they ride in the vehicle they've brought with them.

My mom rides shotgun and Tinsley is loaded into the back with the Belfast members.

My stomach turns at the idea of her alone with seven men who'd have to be blind not to notice how attractive she is; but I ease my paranoia by telling myself they're part of the club, they're brothers.

A few miles down the road Mcgee, O'Neill, and Padraic are waiting for us. We pull off onto the shoulder and the three men dismount.

"Too long, brother." Mcgee greets Clay.

My stepdad nods. "Good to see you, Keith."

"Travel well?" The Belfast president asks in an attempt to make small talk.

"Ah, well we're all in one piece." Clay answers.

"Alright. Great, great." Their interaction feels forced and I don't miss how uncomfortable Mcgee seems around us.

My thoughts are interrupted by Chibs' booming voice. "Look at you. You little bastard. Come here! It's grand to see you, son."

His nephew hugs him tightly. "Welcome. I'm really glad you're here, mate."

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