Chapter 11

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I wake up the next morning in bed with Jax. His arm thrown around my hips, keeping my body close to his.

"Jax." I shake his arm as his phone begins to ring.

He groans before answering it. "Yea? I know. I'll be there." He grumbles and flips the cell phone shut.

"What's going on?" I ask as he gets out of bed, knowing he has to leave again.

"The entire club's doing a charity ride. Blood drive for a children's hospital in Eureka." He explains.

"SAMCRO community servants." I say, knowing that's not what he and the boys are really doing.

Jax winks at me. "That's what we're all about, baby."

"What's really going on?" I ask, watching him get dressed.

"We're picking up guns from the Irish, then running them up to the Oregon charter and they'll continue with them up the coast." He explains.

I stand up and reach for the plaid shirt Jax discarded on the floor the night before. As I begin to button it up a thought occurs to me. "You gonna be in any danger?"

He shrugs a shoulder. "There's always risk."

"Well be careful." I say as I make my way over to him. "Come home to Abel and me.

I rest my hands against his chest and lean up, pressing a hard yet sweet kiss to his mouth.

Jax pulls back after a moment, knowing he has to leave. "I will babe. I'll be home tomorrow so if you need a break from Abel just give him to Gemma."

"I love that little boy, Jax. I don't need breaks from him." I say, tucking loose hair behind my ear.

He smiles. "We're both lucky to have you. I gotta go darlin', I love you." He presses another kiss to my forehead before grabbing his small bag and leaving the room.

The front door clicks closed as I walk to the nursery to check on Abel. He's sound asleep, laying diagonally across the crib.

I grin at his similarities to Jax, and head into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

I'm sitting at the table, eating, when I hear Abel's cries from the back of the house. I leave my toast on the table to go get him.

After I've changed and fed him, I load us up into Jax's truck and head toward the garage and clubhouse, knowing Gemma will be there.

I stand on my tiptoes, unlatching Abel's car seat from the base in the backseat. Then I balance the handle on my forearm and grab his diaper bag.

As I walk across the lot I can see that the garage is practically empty. Only the mechanics that are not a part of the club are working today.

I open the door to the office and Gemma is there filing old paperwork into the filing cabinet behind her. "Hey, Gem." I announce myself, not wanting to startle her.

She turns around and smiles. "Hi, baby. How are you and my grand-baby?" She coos as she takes the car seat from me and unstraps Abel.

"We're good." I say, placing the diaper bag on the desk.

"You and my son work things out?"

I feel my cheeks grow hot thinking of last night in the bathroom. "Yea." I smile.

"I figured since you're still on Abel duty. I'm just glad he pulled his head out of his ass."

I smile. "You mind watching him for a bit? I gotta head over to the elementary school and see if they've got any openings. If I'm gonna stay, I have to work."

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now