Chapter 24

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It's late in the afternoon when I get back from my meeting with Kellan Ashby. I pull into Ashby Alley, parking my bike and taking off my helmet before going inside.

The sound of crying stops me before I make it fully up the steps. Following the sound, I'm led to the back of the house where Tinsley leans against the wall; sobbing.

"Tins." My heart drops as I call out to her; seeing her in any sort of pain kills me.

Her head snaps up when she hears her name and she's instantly wiping at the tears, smearing them down her cheeks in an attempt to hide them from me.

"I'm ok." She sighs before I can say anything else.

I cross the distance between us and sit down beside her. Nothing is said and I let Tinsley have this moment.

Several minutes go by before either of us even move. She shifts ever so slightly; placing her hand upon my thigh, palm up, asking for mine.

Without hesitation, I lace our fingers together but keep the silence.

And just like that, the tears begin again. "This is too much, Jax." She whimpers. "I can't do this."

"Do what?" I ask.

Tinsley sniffles before answering. "Lose you."

"Baby." My voice breaks. "I'm the one that's losing you. But I will always love you, remember that."

"I don't know how to say goodbye to you." She says.

"You have to." I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb. "You're strong enough to do this, Tinsley." I tell her. "You'll be just fine."

"Do you want a boy or a girl? She asks, taking a deep breath and changing the subject in an attempt to stop her tears.

I think about my answer, trying to picture the child growing inside the woman who will always have my heart. "A boy." I finally answer. "They're all I know. I wouldn't know what to do with a girl. You're the only one that's ever been in my life."

I catch the concerned look on her face and add more. "But if it is a girl I'll love her just as much, if not more. She'll be beautiful, just like her mother."

"Jax." Tinsley smiles.

"Is it a girl?" I ask, growing surprisingly excited at the thought of having a daughter.

She shakes her head. "I don't know. It's too early to tell. I haven't even been to the doctor yet, I only found out I was pregnant because of the tests they ran in the hospital."

My mood darkens at the memory of her in the back of Salazar's van.

"Hey." She gently rubs my forearm with the hand that's not already held in mine. "How was your day?" She diverts the conversation.

"Shitty." I say. "But I know where Abel is."

Tinsley shifts at the name of our son. "Where?"

"Ashby handed him over to the nuns. They run a black market adoption service." I explain.

"Jax." She takes my face in both of her hands, forcing me to look at her. "You have to get him back."

"I'll go tomorrow." I tell her. "We gotta get you to the airport."

She shakes her head. "I don't need to be there until ten, that leaves us almost six hours. Every minute you wait is a minute another family could take our boy."

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