Chapter 20

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"What the hell happened to you?" Gemma asks; getting a good look at me as I step through the door.

I glance down at the cuts covering every visible portion of my body, trying quickly to think of a convincing story.

"Lyla and I were trying to hang a mirror in the new porn studio. The son of a bitch fell off the wall and I came down with it."

"Jesus!" Gemma frowns. "Well I'm glad you're ok."

I look at the antique cuckoo clock on the wall as I walk into Nate Madock's home. It's half past three.

I know when Jax finds out I'm gone, I'm screwed.

"Where's Tig?" I ask Gemma as she leads me through the kitchen.

She stops outside of a door in the hallway. "In here."

Tig is sitting on the bed, a bloody towel wrapped around his shoulder. He looks up when he hears us enter. "Hi Princess. Glad you could make it."

"Hey Tiggy. What happened?" I ask as I take a seat beside him.

"Oh, ya know. Just the same old shit, different day." He grumbles.

I smile sympathetically and kiss his scruffy cheek.

"You got this under control, baby?" Gemma asks. "I gotta go check on my dad."

"I'm a kindergarten teacher, Gem; not a nurse."

She dismisses my statement with a wave of her hand. "But you know first aid."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah. And with this life we live maybe it's something you all should learn too."

"Watch that tone." Gemma scolds.

"Yes ma'am." I grumble, turning my attention back to Tig who's laughing.

I remove the towel from his shoulder, glancing at the circular wound. "You said Gemma got the bullet out?"

"With a pair of damn tweezers." He says.

I rummage through the first aid kit that's open on my lap. "Well you look alright to me. It definitely didn't hit the bone and the muscle looks fine." I dip a large Q-tip into a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and dab it against the hole.

Tig hisses at the contact and I apologize.

When I'm finished, I apply a thin coat of antibacterial ointment before placing a small white bandage over the exposed flesh.

"There ya go, Tiggy. Good as new."

"Thanks, Princess." He smiles. "How's Jax holding up?"

"I don't know." I shrug, hearing Gemma calling out from somewhere in the house. I ignore her and continue.  "I'm sure he tells you guys more than he tells me."

Tig shakes his head in disagreement. "Yeah, right."

"Daddy?! Nate?!" Gemma's voice carries down the hall. She pokes her head through the door of the room we're in. "Have you seen Nate? He's not in his room."

"No. Not since I've been here." I say.

Gemma's face fills with panic. "He's gone! So's the hunting rifle."

"Oh shit!" Tig speaks up. "Ya know, I did hear a car about 20 minutes ago. I thought it was Tinsley."

"Oh, Christ!" Gemma hisses, pulling me with her to the front door. "Shit! The Caddy's gone."

"Is he ok to drive?" I ask.

"Yeah, it depends what decade he thinks he's cruising in." She says.

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now