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When you fall in love with someone do you fall in love because of how they look? Or do you fall in love because of their personality? Do you fall in love fast and hard? Or do you fall in love slowly, gradually?

Some people fall in love at first sight, but some fall in love slowly. Some say they love another because of their personality and some say they love another because of their eyes or their smile. No one knows for sure why one person looks attractive to someone yet to another they look like a hag. Love is a mysterious thing. It feels sometimes as if a higher power directs a person's heart and tells it who they should fall in love with and who they can ignore completely.

At this moment she felt like it was true. A higher power must have directed his heart. Against all odds the person whom she has admired for so long, the person whom she has had more fantasies than she could count, the person who she thought would never fall for a girl like her, the person has fallen in love with her. Out of billions of girls on earth, he chose her.

She should be happy about it. She should rejoice and shout on the rooftops of how Sebastian Stan, one of Hollywood's A list actors, has fallen in love with her. Her. A regular girl who just six months ago was still drowning in her nine to five job at a software company. Her. A regular girl who didn't have a perfect slim body or long blonde hair and blue eyes like Barbie. Her. Who didn't even live in LA where all the celebrities live until three months ago.

However, instead of rejoicing, she was confused.

"I think I'm in love with you, Aurora." Sebastian gently said to her. His right thumb stroked her cheek gently. His eyes gazed at hers intently. She could clearly see the love and longing in the depths of his eyes.

She froze. She wasn't sure how to respond. The thing was. She was not Aurora. She was.. Y/n.

Too Good To Be True (Sebastian Stan x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now