Chapter 5 - Aurora

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13320 Mulholland Drive, LA, California
Aurora Watson was everything that Y/n wasn't. Everything about her was 180 degrees so different from Y/n, from her physical features, her family background, her occupation, down to her dating history.

Aurora was an actress, model and influencer. She had been acting since she was a teenager and had a somewhat successful acting career. She once had a part in a critically acclaimed criminal drama and made her name known mostly from that show. Over the years however she had expanded her career into more of modeling and being brand ambassadors rather than being an actress. Using her Instagram presence, which had more than 5 million followers, she had built a career out of becoming influencers and promoting fashion and beauty products on her account.

The list of actors and celebrities she had dated over the years was enough to make a woman's heart filled with envy. A rock star, Hollywood A listers, a sports star, rich CEOs, she had dated all types of successful and handsome men.

As if that wasn't enough, she was also born into a rich family. She was the only child of one of the richest hedge fund managers, entrepreneurs and investors in the US, Richard Watson. Y/n couldn't help but feel intimidated by her.

Y/n continued to stare at Aurora as she went down the stairs. Her long smooth blonde hair flowed behind her back. The silver dress shimmered as she moved, accentuating her slim figure. Her pointed nose turned upward. Her red painted full lips could even be seen from down below. And she was sure she could see her sparkling blue eyes that seemed to enchant anyone who sees them.

Aurora went down the staircase slowly, taking one step at a time. It felt like watching a movie in slow motion. It seemed she was wearing ten inch high heels and that was why she moved so slowly. It was clear that she tried to be elegant coming down the stairs, but instead she looked like an old lady going slowly down the stairs, afraid of falling down as her hand held onto the railing tightly.

Behind her three people followed her. A woman with glasses and long wavy brunette hair, a short Chinese man with jet black hair pulled up into a ponytail, and a man with glasses and short blonde hair styled in a high fade buzz cut. They all followed Aurora down the stairs and moved as slow as she was.

The sight was somewhat comical and Y/n tried hard not to laugh. She covered her mouth with her hand to hide a smile her mouth involuntarily formed.

She glanced at Sebastian and found him glancing at her and giving her a side smile, as if telling her he knew how funny the sight was.

"Hey Aurora. Sorry if we're a bit late. I literally ran into Y/n with my car earlier." Sebastian said as he turned to look at Aurora.

"What?! You hit her with your car?!" Aurora's eyes widened as she finally arrived downstairs and gave Sebastian a brief hug and kisses on both his cheeks, to which Sebastian seemed uncomfortable with, which confused Y/n.

"Yeah, I did. She was crossing the road on a sharp bend so I didn't see her." Sebastian explained, stepping back from her.

"Oh wow. I hope you're okay?" Aurora turned to look at her and stared at her, her eyes judging her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for asking Aurora. I'm Y/n, by the way." She smiled and extended her hand.

Aurora took her hand and shook it as she looked at her with a condescending look, making her smile vanish into thin air. Aurora released her hand quickly and wiped it on her dress as if she just made contact with a filthy homeless person. She immediately felt dislike towards her.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." Aurora said and smiled at her though she could clearly see the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Aurora darling, I'm sorry but we don't have much time. Can we do the shoot now?" The man with the short blonde hair suddenly chimed in.

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