Chapter 10 - The Switch

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13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Sunday, July 9th 2023 - 6.30 am


"Aaaaaargh!" Y/n screamed as she saw Aurora Watson looking back at her in the mirror.

She placed both hands on her cheeks and Aurora did the same in the mirror. She put both hands over her eyes and closed them, thinking that she must be dreaming but when she opened her eyes again, she still found the face of Aurora Watson staring back at her!

The bedroom door banged open and a girl walked in. The girl's eyes widened as she looked at her but then her eyebrows furrowed, her lips thinned and her nostrils flared as she continued to walk towards her. The girl was.. her!

"Y/n! What did you do?! What the hell did you do to me?!" The girl stopped in front of her and yelled.

"I.. I didn't do anything! I swear!" She raised her hands in surrender.

"This must be a dream! Isn't it?!" Aurora yelled. Aurora extended her hand and pinched her hand, making her wince.

"Ow! Why did you do that?!" She protested as she retracted her hand.

"I was just checking if this was a dream!" Aurora defended herself.

"You should have pinched yourself!" She protested while rubbing the hand Aurora just pinched.

"And hurt myself in the process? No thanks." Aurora shook her head and she rolled her eyes.

"Ugh! How the hell could this happen? I'm supposed to audition for Pumping Black today! You're ruining it for me!" Aurora yelled, staring at her, a vein bulging on her temple.

"Could you stop yelling? My head hurts so much!" Y/n protested as she walked to the bed and sat on it, her head throbbed in pain.

"Well that's what you get for ruining my life!" Aurora still yelled and stood over her by the bed.

She couldn't respond with anything as she felt nauseous all of a sudden, then she opened her mouth and threw up, her vomit splattered all over Aurora.

"Oh my God! What the h**l are you doing?!" Aurora yelled and jumped back.

Despite feeling bad for throwing up on Aurora she couldn't help but laugh internally. Karma's a bitch huh. She thought in triumph. But her happiness was cut short as she felt another urge to throw up again and she immediately ran to the bathroom.

An hour later she found herself sitting down on the sofa in the bedroom while Gabriella cleaned the room and Rosa sat next to her, handing her a glass of water and aspirin. A plate of half eaten toast was on the table in front of the sofa along with a shot glass of ginseng. Aurora was sitting on another sofa next to hers, glaring at her. She had changed her outfit and taken a shower after being thrown up on by her earlier.

"Take this Miss Watson, it should help reduce the headache." Rosa said and she nodded. She took the aspirin, finished the glass of water and gave it back to Rosa.

"Thank you Rosa." She smiled and Rosa's eyes widened as she took the glass from her.

"Oh! Yeah.. You're welcome, Miss Watson." Rosa said, giving her a small smile.

"We'll leave you to get some rest now. Come on Y/n." Rosa stood up and beckoned for Aurora to come with her but Aurora didn't budge.

"I need to talk to her." Aurora said and Rosa's eyebrows raised.

"Y/n, Miss Watson needs to rest. You can talk later after she feels better." Rosa said, giving Aurora a commanding look.

"No, it's okay Rosa. She can stay." She said and Rosa's eyebrows shot up again. She stared curiously at her for a moment then finally nodded.

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