Chapter 18 - Best Birthday Ever!

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7135 Hollywood Blvd, Penthouse, Los Angeles, California - August 13th 2023, 7 am


Y/n opened the heart shaped waffle maker and smiled. The waffles came out perfectly. She bought the heart shaped waffle maker online and was glad it came on time and she managed to sneak it into Sebastian's penthouse without him knowing.

She was so grateful that her mother had taught her the waffle recipe. It was the best waffle in the world in her opinion and she hoped Sebastian would like them as much as she did.

Her thoughts went to her mother as she placed the waffles on a plate and started to pour another ladle of batter into the waffle maker.

Her mother had been calling her almost everyday, and even though her mother always said that she sounded different every time she picked up the call, she still loved talking and hearing her voice.

Her mother's behavior felt somewhat off to her because her mother usually was not one who was too clingy. She usually just calls her once or twice a month and just texts her most days. But this time she acted really differently.

She asked details about her day, making her have to come up with things to say because obviously she couldn't tell what she was actually doing.

Every time her mother called her she asked her if there was something wrong but her mother kept telling her nothing was wrong and she just missed her. The one thing she did ask often was when she was able to come and visit her and her dad.

She couldn't answer that question yet. But now that Aurora was supposed to get out of jail the next day, she wondered if maybe she could ask Aurora to go on her behalf. And maybe she could come too. That way her parents could still see her and she could still see them too. There was no way she was going to let Aurora go alone. She didn't trust Aurora would treat her parents well.

Several minutes later she finally finished making all the waffles and she placed all ten of them onto a clean white plate then started decorating them with strawberries, whipped cream and powdered sugar.

She then placed it in the middle of a large tray and started putting other items on it, including a special mini birthday cake she had ordered with the writing on it "You're Too Good To Be True".

Yes, that was what Sebastian was to her and it also referred to the song they heard on the radio the night they first made love. She thought it was the perfect thing to write on the cake.

She also added some more items on the tray. A mug of almond macadamia latte she just made, a glass of Rosa's famous smoothie and mini bowls filled with blueberries and cashews. She also put a small rectangular package on it wrapped in black and silver wrapping paper. It was her special gift for Sebastian.

She was confused on what to get for his birthday because he was able to get anything he wanted being the rich and successful actor that he was. So she was glad she could find the unique gift. Something she hoped no one had ever given him before.

She also added a frame with a picture of Sebastian wearing the tiara in the movie Endings Beginnings in it, which never failed to make her laugh a little every time she saw it. She also put another frame next to it with a selfie picture of her and Sebastian during their first date.

Her heart tugged a little at the sight of her as Aurora and Sebastian in the picture. Her mouth turned into a little frown as she realized there was no way she would ever be Sebastian's girlfriend if she was not in Aurora's body.

She wondered again how long the switch would last and whether the private investigators had found the Gypsy woman yet. She didn't want to ask them for updates because she didn't want them to think she needed them to find the Gypsy woman fast. As a matter of fact, if they couldn't find her at all, it would be much better for her. So she decided to just let them contact her first.

Too Good To Be True (Sebastian Stan x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now