Chapter 7 - The Perfectionist

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13320 Mulholland Drive, LA, California - The Next Morning
A loud banging sound interrupted her sleep and Y/n woke up with a start.

"Y/n! Wake up! The boss is looking for you!" Gabriella opened the door of her room with a bang and she blinked several times.

"What?! What time is it?" She asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"It's 7.15 and Aurora is screaming her head off calling for you!" Gabriella said, her eyes widened in fear.

"Y/n! Y/n! If you don't come in here right this moment you are fired!!!" Aurora's loud yelling could be heard and she immediately jumped out of the bed, put on her glasses and followed Gabriella out of her room into the house.

When she entered the house she found Aurora standing in the middle of the house. One of her hands was on her waist and the other one held some clothing articles. She glared at her and walked closer to her looking like a witch who was about to curse her.

"I'm.. I'm sorry Miss Watson. I didn't hear you." She stammered as she looked back at Aurora, dread in her stomach.

"I've been calling you for like ten minutes! Were you still asleep?!" She accused her.

"I.. umm.. yes, I was. I'm sorry, I was exhausted after we got back from shopping." She explained.

"Well it's clear you never go out shopping for clothes much seeing the stuff that you've been wearing." Aurora said in disgust. She felt like she was stabbed in her heart as she heard Aurora mocking her. Well, maybe she wasn't really up to date in the way of fashion but she was sure her clothes weren't really that bad.

Despite wanting to respond with something and defend herself, she decided to just stay quiet about it. She overslept anyway. She was supposed to be ready for work by 7 like Gabriella and Rosa.

"I'm sorry Miss Watson. Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked.

"Yes! I need you to iron these. I'm leaving in an hour to Loewe's office for a photoshoot. And Nelson called in sick today. So I need you to drive me there." Aurora replied.

"Oh okay." She nodded as Aurora brandished a khaki linen pants and white short sleeved cotton shirt into her hands.

Aurora turned around and walked back upstairs to her room and she turned to Gabriella who was standing behind her.

"So, where's the iron?" She asked.

"Come with me." Gabriella beckoned her head back towards the small kitchen. Apparently the laundry room was near the kitchen. She didn't realize it yesterday.

Gabriella left her to iron the clothes and once she was done she went upstairs to Aurora's room.

"Miss Watson." She called out as she knocked on the door.

"Come in." Aurora responded.

She turned the door knob and pushed the door open slowly, her heart rate increased as she expected Aurora to be yelling at her again, but thankfully she didn't.

Her eyes widened as she went inside the room. The room was huge and bright with cream walls and large windows on every wall. The floor was covered with dark gray parquet and the furniture was mostly white with gray accents. There was a huge bed in the center of the room and she could see a big walk-in closet to the left of the room where Aurora was standing. Next to the closet there was a sofa and coffee table facing the windows and a door leading out to the big terrace outside. She walked in slowly as her eyes continued to gaze around the big room. The room was as big as her whole apartment back in Silicon Valley, maybe bigger. She couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

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