Chapter 8 - Hola

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13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Wednesday, July 5th 2023 - 9 am

Y/n's heart dropped to her stomach as she caught sight of the cream Chihuahua chewing on Aurora's new Jimmy Choo shoes. She became even more horrified as the crystals on the strap started to fall off and dropped onto the floor.

"Paris! No.. no.. no..!' She immediately ran towards the Chihuahua and pulled the shoe off from her mouth. But Paris held onto it tight and wouldn't let go. Her heart sank as the top part of the shoe started to rip and even more crystals fell off from it.

"Paris! Let it go! Let it go!" She demanded but it was no use. Paris growled and continued to pull the shoe.

She had no choice but to let it go so that it didn't become ruined even further. Once she let it go Paris was jolted back from the sudden release and finally released the shoe. She immediately picked it up and put it high above her head so Paris couldn't take it again.

"Bad dog! Bad dog!" She scolded as Paris barked loudly at her.

She shook her head in disbelief as she studied the shoe, wondering if she could still fix it. But the crystals on the strap were all gone and the top part had been ripped. There was no way she could repair it.

She looked around, realizing she needed to find the other pair and found it lying on the floor not far from Paris, the condition even worse than the one in her hand. Paris was about to bite the other shoe again but she picked it up before she got the chance.

"Bad dog! Bad dog!" She yelled in frustration as she picked up an empty shoe box near her and put the shoes in it. She wasn't sure what to do but at that moment all she could think about was to pick up all the crystals and clean up the room from any evidence. She could think about what to do later on.

One by one she started to pick up the crystals and dropped them into the box while Paris stood near her and continued to bark.

"Shut up Paris! This is all your fault!" She scolded her. Miraculously Paris stopped barking, as if she knew what she was saying. She paused and looked up and saw Paris looking serious, her eyes furrowed in concentration. Then she heard the most disgusting sound ever, Paris had just pooped onto the floor! Leaving a wet brown stinky mess onto the floor.

"Paris! Oh my God! Seriously?!" She scrunched her nose in disgust as the foul smell wafted into her nose.

Paris just looked at her innocently then ran away from her out of the room. She sighed as she stood up and decided to clean the mess first before continuing to gather the rest of the crystals.

Once the floor was clean from Paris' liquid poop she continued to gather the crystals into the shoe box as her mind thought of what to do. Fixing the shoes was impossible. Even if she could glue back all the crystals, the satin part of the shoes were already ripped. She contemplated buying a new pair but realized she didn't have enough money to buy a new one. The shoe cost two thousand dollars and she didn't have that much in her possession. She literally only had the money Sebastian had given her when she was still working at Go Get 'Em Tiger and two hundred dollars she got from Sebastian the other day minus the price of the waffles she bought at the cafe. She realized she only had about nine hundred dollars, and she needed it for the rest of the month.

She contemplated asking for Sebastian's help but then decided against it. He had helped her so much and she really didn't want to bother him again. Besides, she would be too embarrassed to tell him. It would just show how incompetent she was. She wondered if she could probably borrow some money from Lara or her roommates. She hated to ask for their help but she didn't have a choice. Of course, she could always confess to Aurora about what happened but she was afraid Aurora would fire her.

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