Chapter 17 - Like A Virgin

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7135 Hollywood Blvd, Penthouse, Los Angeles, California - August 6th 2023, 10 pm


"What?!" Sebastian asked, his jaw dropped. "You never had sex with your exes?"

She grimaced as she realized her mistake. Aurora had like a dozen ex boyfriends. It was impossible for her to be a virgin. She couldn't believe how stupid she was.

"I mean.. of course I have. But I.. I feel like that song.. you know.." She trailed as Sebastian continued to stare at her in amusement.

"What song?" He asked with a small smile on his lips.

"You know.. When I'm with you I feel.. 'Like a virgin.. touched for the very first time..'" She sang a little with a small voice, her heart pounded so fast in her chest, hoping she could save the moment.

Sebastian immediately threw his head back and laughed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I never thought you could be so funny and cute." He chuckled as he reached his hand out and caressed her cheek with his fingers.

She could feel warmth crawling from her neck up to her cheeks as she felt his touch on her and saw the admiration in his eyes.

"You know what, I'm really gonna make you feel like a virgin. Because to me, you are my queen, and I'm here to satisfy you. So you don't have to do anything. Just lie down, relax, and enjoy." He said in a low and husky voice, making her heart skip a beat.

"O.. okay." She stammered, her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest as she gazed at him.

Warning : Smut but not that explicit. However, if you're under 18 please skip. I am not responsible for your media consumption

True to his word, he truly treated her like a queen and a virgin. He did everything from undressing her, to kissing her and caressing her all over her body.

He knew exactly where to kiss and lick and touch her that could make her go wild so that it didn't take very long for her to experience her first ever orgasm.

"Oh my God! Sebastian!" She screamed as he continued to service her with his tongue.

"That's it, my queen, let it go, just let it go." He said huskily and his words became her undoing.

She writhed and screamed and laughed and giggled as the feeling crashed over her like a wave.

She knew now why people love having sex. It felt so good that she felt like flying. She wondered how it would feel to have him completely in her. He wasn't even in her yet and she was already melting like an ice cream under a hot sun.

Sebastian went up to her and held her tight as she slowly recovered from the most amazing feeling in the world.

He kissed her gently on her forehead and smiled.

"You were so beautiful when you came. And so cute too. I love to hear your giggles." He stated and she couldn't help but blush.

"I can't wait to see how you react when I'm in you." He continued, his eyes darkened as they gazed at each other then he leaned down and planted a deep kiss on her lips, making her feel fireworks in her chest.

"Are you ready?" He broke the kiss and asked with a husky voice and she immediately nodded.

If the foreplay was amazing, she was sure the sex itself would be more than amazing, she thought. And she was right.

She was scared that it would hurt when he entered her, but she shouldn't have worried about it at all. He was really gentle and slow when he entered her, making sure she could accommodate him so when he entered her it felt painless to her.

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