Chapter 2 - Hungry Eyes

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Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory, Los Angeles, California

Y/n's eyes widened and her heart seemed to stop as she continued to gaze at him. Him. The one person who had colored her dreams and fantasies for the better part of her life. Him. The one person who she had idolized and admired for so long. Him. The one person who she never thought she would ever meet. Yet there he was, sitting not more than twenty feet from her, gazing at her with his gorgeous blue eyes full of curiosity.

"Miss, can we help you?" The man with the graying hair asked, jolting her back to reality.

"Uh.. yes. I'm here to audition." She said as she finally ripped her eyes away from Sebastian and looked at the man with the graying hair.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"It's Y/f/n Y/l/n." She replied.

"Okay. Go on up there." The man beckoned his head towards the stage.

She nodded and immediately went up to the stage. She tripped at the stairs as she went up and stumbled a little, but she caught herself on time so she didn't fall. How could she be so clumsy? She grumbled internally.

"Careful there." Sebastian called out.

Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she heard him. She turned to look at him, nodded and smiled, feeling warmth crawling from her neck up to her cheek. He smiled back at her and she felt butterflies in her stomach. So, this was how it felt to fall in love. She thought in amazement.

"Whenever you're ready." The man with the graying hair said.

Right. She blinked. She needed to get herself together. Her first audition ever and she should not mess it up. Especially not with Sebastian Stan sitting right in front of her.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment and imagined herself as someone else. She was Sarah not Y/n. She was Mike's sister. She was twenty, a college student at Stanford majoring in pre-law and she was just going to tell her brother how much she was going to miss him when he's away.

She opened her eyes and delivered her first line. She wasn't even finished with her first line when the man with the graying hair called out. "Stop!"

She stopped, her heart dropped to her stomach. Was she that bad? She didn't even get the chance to say the full line and she was already stopped?

"Miss Y/l/n. What role are you auditioning for?" The man with the graying hair asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Um.. Sarah." She said slowly.

"Well, I'm sorry but you're late. We've already finished auditioning for Sarah and we're now auditioning for Celeste." The man said.

Apparently she was too late. They were already auditioning for the role of the main character's girlfriend.

"Oh. I'm.. I'm sorry. I didn't realize.." She stammered.

"Alright, move along now." The man with the graying hair said, effectively kicking her off the stage.

Feeling so embarrassed with herself she started to walk towards the stairs of the stage.

"You can still audition for Celeste if you want." Sebastian suddenly called out, making her stop in her tracks.

"Umm.." She actually studied some of Celeste's lines and had memorized some, but she wasn't sure she was ready. She looked towards where Sebastian was sitting. He was smiling at her, making butterflies flutter around in her stomach. God, he really was gorgeous.

"Well.. Miss Y/l/n? Are you going to audition or not? Stop wasting our time." The man with the graying hair said, snapping her back to reality. She really needed to get a grip on herself.

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