Chapter 15 - Treasure

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Somewhere on Mulholland Drive - Wednesday, July 19th 2023, 10 am


The blaring sound of the siren coming from an ambulance overpowered all other sounds. At the corner of her eyes she could see an ambulance going towards where Sebastian was. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she stood up and watched Sebastian's face contorted in pain through the monitor.

She quickly got out of the spectator's box and ran towards where he was.

"Aurora! Where are you going?!" A hand shot out and held her back. Lisa, her makeup artist, looked at her, her eyebrows raised.

"I need to see him! I need to see if he's okay!" She shouted, panic coursing through her as she tried to struggle free from Lisa's hold.

"Aurora, he's like a mile away from here. You can't run over there. And I'm sure the ambulance already got to him." Lisa said and she realized that Lisa was right.

"Let's just wait by the trailers and see where they take him." Lisa suggested.

"Oh, right. Okay." She nodded and walked towards the trailers, heart pounding hard in her chest, hoping and praying that Sebastian was okay.

It took a while but she finally found out that Sebastian was taken to a hospital not far from there. The shoot for that day was canceled and she immediately asked to be taken to see him.

When she got to the hospital Sebastian was still in the ER. She waited with Chris, Chace, Anthony, Johnny, Maya and Hannah in the waiting room. Her mind kept thinking of the worst.

She sat on one of the waiting chairs in the hospital, right across from the ER. Her eyes glued to the closed ER door. Everyone else was chatting around her but she couldn't join them. She felt slightly paralyzed as the only thing she could think of was his face which was showing so much pain. She wished she could take the pain away from him.

In her worry she realized something. She had never felt this strongly about anyone. The thought of him being hurt and the potential of losing him, even though it was mostly unlikely, shattered her to her core. The thought made her realize how she had fallen in love with him so hard. Then she remembered the way he treated her in the past few days and she could feel herself drowning in the negativity of it all. A tear dropped from her eyes and before she realized it, she started crying.

As soon as she started crying everyone around her stopped talking. She realized she was making a fool of herself so she tried hard to stop crying but she couldn't.

"Aurora.. ssshhh.. it's okay. He's gonna be okay." Maya sat next to her and embraced her.

Maya rubbed her back gently and continued to say soothing words to her that successfully calmed her down.

"I'm sorry." She sniffled as she released herself from Maya's embrace.

"It's okay. I know you're worried sick about him. We all are. But I think, judging from how he fell down, he's gonna be okay. It wasn't that bad." Maya said, patting her arm gently.

"Oh I really hope so." She replied, sighing.

Maya offered her some tissues and she took them gratefully. She wiped her eyes and cleaned her nose then looked up to see Chris, Chace and Anthony all were staring at her with their eyebrows furrowed.

Chris smiled a little when she looked at him and she smiled back. Then he turned away and started talking to Anthony and Chace. She couldn't hear what they were talking about as they were standing a good distance from her. Once in a while all three of them glanced at her and she couldn't help but feel they were talking about her.

Too Good To Be True (Sebastian Stan x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now