Chapter 16 - Can't Take My Eyes Off You

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This chapter has a lot of fluff from beginning to end. Just a head's up 😉

7135 Hollywood Blvd, Penthouse, Los Angeles, California - July 26th 2023, 2 pm


She never expected her first kiss to be with him. Him! The man who for the better part of her life she could only see through a screen. Him! The man who had colored most of her dreams and fantasies. Him! The man someone like her usually never ended up being with. But apparently dreams do come true and somehow God arranged for it to happen for her, even if in a very strange and unusual way.

She didn't have anyone to compare the kiss with, having spent 30 years of her life not having a single boyfriend, but somehow she knew that he was a really good kisser. He kissed her gently yet with a hint of urgency, making the butterflies in her stomach fly around wildly.

Not satisfied just kissing her lips, his tongue licked her lips, requesting access to her tongue and their tongue finally met and danced in a very sensual way, making her feel a slight warm feeling deep down in her core.

She couldn't believe it! Just minutes ago she was fantasizing about the feel of his tongue on hers and now it was finally happening! Her heart beat so fast in her chest as she tried hard not to hyperventilate.

They finally broke apart after a while, gasping for air. His lips still hovered above hers that she could feel his breath on her lips. Both their hands cupped each other's faces, as if afraid that they would lose each other as soon as they let go. Their eyes gazed into each other and once again she felt as if he was seeing into her soul.

His eyes stared at her with adoration and a hint of desire in them, making her heart gallop fast in her chest.

He chuckled as he continued to hold her face in his hands and stroked her cheek gently, making her heart skip a beat.

"I'm sorry." He finally said.

"For what?" She asked, stroking his cheek gently too, feeling his coarse stubble under her fingers.

"If I startled you with the kiss." He continued.

"Well.. you did. I didn't expect it. But, no harm done. So.." she trailed and he laughed.

Then he leaned closer and captured her lips in his again, making her feel like her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

So this was how it felt to kiss someone. She thought as they continued to kiss. No wonder people loved doing it. She felt like she couldn't stop kissing him either.

Her hands let his face go and she placed them behind his neck, pulling him closer to her as she followed an instinct she didn't know she had. He let her face go too then gently pushed her to lie down on the sofa without breaking the kiss. Then he stopped for a moment, letting them both catch their breaths. His left hand laid by her face, his arm propping his body on top of her. Then he looked down at her with mesmerized eyes and his eyes darkened with desire, making her feel the warm feeling at the base of her stomach again.

"You.. are.. so beautiful, Aurora." He said as he stroked her cheeks gently with his right fingers.

Aurora.. yes, that was who she was in his eyes. She felt a pang in her heart as she realized that if she was still in her body, there was no way he would say those words. Beautiful was not something people described her as and the thought saddened her.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Nothing." She shook her head and smiled as she quickly decided that she didn't want to ruin the moment by overthinking. She pulled the back of his neck closer to her and they started kissing again.

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