Chapter 4 - Mulholland Drive

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Mulholland Drive, LA, California - 2 days later
Two miles away. Her destination was still two miles away and her car just broke down in the middle of Mulholland Drive. She couldn't believe her luck! Or lack of it that is. Just two days ago she got both, fired and hired on the same day. She thought life would be better for her after that. Especially since she got a dream job, which was becoming one of Sebastian Stan's personal assistants. Yet, there she was, forced to walk for two miles to get to Sebastian's house.

She slammed the hood of her car's engine down and winced as steam blew out from under the hood. Her car seemed to be overheated. She wasn't sure what the cause of it was. She made sure to regularly change the oil. She also regularly checked and added coolant. So she was confused on how it could get overheated. She had to call for a tow truck and bring her car to a repair shop, but she had an appointment with Sebastian at his house in half an hour so she decided to just go to his house first and take care of her car after that. Maybe Sebastian could somehow help her out.

Come to think of it, she was really embarrassed to ask for his help. He already helped her so much that she wasn't comfortable asking for his help yet again. So she decided to just take care of it herself. But now, she needed to focus on getting to his house.

Sebastian had called her the day after they met at Go Get 'Em Tiger. He asked her to come to 13320 Mulholland Drive that day at noon. He said he wanted to talk to her about something and he needed her to come to the house.

Luckily her car broke down in front of an overlook which had a small parking lot on it. She managed to park it in the parking lot so it wouldn't block the road.

She pulled out her cellphone from her pants' pocket and opened Google maps. She wanted to know if there was a safe route for pedestrians to reach Sebastian's house. Mulholland Drive was a narrow two way road and as far as she could see, it wasn't safe for pedestrians to walk on it. In most parts of the road there were no sidewalks, and there were some sharp curves on it that it was possible someone could get run over by a car when that someone was walking along the sharp curves seeing how the cars couldn't see them.

She sighed as she studied the map. There was a safe route for pedestrians but it would take her more than 2 hours to get there! There was just no way she could take that route. She didn't want to be late for her first day working for Sebastian.

She contemplated letting him know about her situation and that she would be late. She was sure he would understand. But she really didn't want to disappoint him. Ever since they met she had done nothing but bothering him with her getting her ankle twisted and getting herself fired. She really didn't want to bother him again.

So she decided to just walk on Mulholland Drive. It was day time anyway, surely drivers would be able to see her clearly. She would just try and walk as far away from the main road if she could.

She put her cellphone back in her pants' pocket after making sure she knew the route. Then she checked her car and made sure it was locked and she started to walk quickly. It was 11.30 am already so she really needed to walk fast.

If she wasn't in a hurry she could probably enjoy the walk. Mulholland Drive is a long winding road stretching for about 21 miles. It was constructed on the mountains and starts on the east near 101 highway to the west near San Diego highway. It offers a scenic route for the LA city dwellers to the mountains and beaches. When passing through it one could see the view of the Los Angeles Basin, the San Fernando Valley, Downtown Los Angeles and the Hollywood Sign. In addition, it was home of some of the most expensive and exclusive houses in the world which belong to mainly Hollywood celebrities. Madonna, Jack Nicholson, John Lennon, Roman Polanski, Marlon Brando, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis live or have lived on Mulholland Drive. So it wasn't a surprise that Sebastian had a house there.

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